
Todd Buchholz

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Book Todd Buchholz

Renowned economist, White House advisor, and best-selling author Todd Buchholz connects the dots between Wall Street, Main Street, and financial capitals throughout the world. An internationally known consultant on global markets and winner of Harvard’s annual teaching prize, Buchholz advises the world’s leading companies and "lights up economics with a wickedly sparkling wit." (Associated Press)


The former White House director of economic policy, managing director of the legendary Tiger hedge fund, and best-selling author has jousted with such personalities as James Carville and Ben Stein. 


As a keynote speaker, his lively and informative engagements have earned him a place in Successful Meetings Magazine’s ”21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century,” and his best-selling books on economics and financial markets have been widely translated and are taught in universities worldwide. He frequently writes commentary for major publications, you can view some of his most recent work here. 

Todd Buchholz's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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