
Timothy Chou

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Book Timothy Chou

Timothy Chou has a career spanning academia, successful (and not so successful) startups and large corporations. He was one of only six people to ever hold the President title at Oracle. As President of Oracle On Demand he grew the cloud business from it’s very beginning.  Today he serves on the Board of Directors of Teradata (NYSE:TDC).


He started his career at one of the original Kleiner Perkins startups, Tandem Computers. He’s invested in and been a contributor to a number of other startups, some you’ve heard of like WebEx, and others you’ve never heard of but were sold to companies like Cisco and Oracle.  He’s the Chairman of the Alchemist Accelerator focusing on Internet of Things and has invested in a select group of young companies all focused on cloud computing, blockchain, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.


In 1982, Tim was asked to teach a class at Stanford University.  He taught introductory computer architecture for fifteen years and only stopped because he had to fly to Bali, do a sales kickoff and fly back in 24 hours to teach class.  Since leaving Oracle he returned to Stanford, where he launched Stanford’s first course on cloud computing. . Now in its 15th year the course has featured guest lectures by nearly 100 public company CEOs.  In 2022 we hosted the CEOs of VMWare, Couchbase, Samsara, Johnson & Johnson and Morgan Lewis. A few years ago one of the students in his class, Dr. Anthony Chang, introduces him to the world of pediatric medicine and inspired him to come out of retirement to work on his last great project – the Pediatric Moonshot.


The mission of the Pediatric Moonshot is to reduce healthcare inequity, lower healthcare costs and improve outcomes for children - locally and globally by creating privacy-preserving real-time applications based on access to data in all 1,000,000 healthcare machines in all 500 children's hospitals in the world.

Speaking Topics

Transforming Healthcare Planet Wide with AI

Modern medicine is based on spending years and $100,000s of dollars to educate a small group of people on increasingly specialized areas.  While this works for people who are socially and geographically lucky enough to be near these experts it doesn’t work for people outside of the NFL cities nor where the population of the planet is growing the most – Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia. As we in the US know healthcare is also increasingly expensive.   So what can be done about this? Can technology transform healthcare as much as it’s transformed how we shop, travel and get entertained?


This talk is based on the current Pediatric Moonshot. The mission of the Pediatric Moonshot is to reduce healthcare inequity, lower healthcare costs and improve outcomes for children - locally and globally by creating privacy-preserving real-time AI applications based on access to data in all 1,000,000 healthcare machines in all 500 children's hospitals in the world. We’ll discuss why AI is needed for children’s medicine, what the roadblocks are, why the current solutions will never work and how a radically different approach must be taken. Technology can transform healthcare as much as it’s transformed how we shop, travel and get entertained.

Digital Technology

Digital technology has transformed many parts of the economy. Shopping, watching movies and getting a ride are now completely different.  While one of the advantages of COVID has been to accelerate adoption of some technologies, these are baby steps.  This talk will focus on three lessons learned outside of healthcare in connectivity, collecting and learning from data, and how software moves at the speed of thought.  But healthcare does have unique challenges so we'll also talk about the silos of data, the impact of data privacy and the organizational challenges.  I'll not only discuss the challenges, but also some of the ways to address these challenges. Finally, I'll introduce you to five big technology trends and show you how they could be used to make a big leap in the 2020s. It might be the real legacy of COVID

Digital Transformation

This talk will not show you videos of the earth being reshaped by volcanic activity; nor any charts of how much the Fortune 500 has changed in the past twenty years and certainly no slides with Netflix logos. Instead we’ll focus on five essential themes any enterprise from financial services to manufacturers or users of healthcare, construction, transportation or industrial printing machines should consider in their future plans.

Big5: 5G and More (or Technology and the implications on enterprises and the planet)

The talk begins by giving an introduction to five technologies: 5G, IoT, AI, Cloud computing, and the edge. This is an introduction for non-technologists. While technology is cool, the second part of the talk discusses how enterprises around the world are using the technology as well as the fundamental impact it will have on their business models.  This will be done with eight case stories. Lastly, we'll discuss the implications on the planet and how technology might reshape 2/3 of the world's economy.

Advanced IoT

For those who are already beyond the “What is IoT” phase and fully aware of the technology the key to completing a digital transformation is the creation of a new generation of applications based on new business models.  As machines become more software defined, we should learn a lesson from the business model in the software industry. The talk will discuss three fundamental revenue models and the application to the any enterprise that makes industrial or healthcare machines.  We'll cover a number of case stories to illustrate the next step in IoT. Finally, I'll discuss a specific case how connecting millions of machines might not only change business models, but also the world.

Precision Planet – Internet of Things (IoT)

The World Economic Forum has said “In the next 10 years the Internet of Things revolution will dramatically alter manufacturing, energy, agriculture, transportation and other industrial sectors of the economy which, together, account for nearly two-thirds of the global GDP.”  So what is the Internet of Things?

In this talk Dr. Chou presents a five-layer framework to help business and technical people understand the current and future state of the art in IoT software.  Leaders will learn how technology will reshape enterprises that build machines and those that use machines


Dr. Chou will discuss how implementing an IoT strategy could easily double the revenues and quadruple the margins of any company that builds power, healthcare, agriculture, construction or transportation machines.  Finally, precision machines promise to reshape our planet. Developing economies around the planet have the opportunity to leapfrog current solutions and build the farms of the future, or a distributed energy grid or a next generation healthcare system.

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The Next Steps in Analytics

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had significant advances in the past couple of years.  What does this mean for Enterprise Computing?  This talk will focus on the three significant changes in neural networks, deep learning and the machine learning life cycle that have enabled these amazing leaps.  Dr. Chou will show you how the next generation of enterprise analytics will be based on Artificial Intelligence and not Business Intelligence.

AI, IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing: Hype or Reality

You can't go thru an airport today without seeing ads for AI, IoT, Big Data and Cloud computing.  How much of this is real and how much is fantasy?  This talk will begin by establishing a simple five-layer framework for any company manufacturing products, whether that's shoes, forklift or gene sequencers to understand these technologies.  But technology alone is not enough, I'll also discuss three fundamental business models and the implications on revenue and cost. Finally, we'll talk about how this technology might really change the world.

Next Generation Business Models

While software and hardware technology has evolved at a meteoric rate over the past three decades, the more significant changes have been driven by economics and the resulting creation of new business models.  In this talk Dr. Chou will present seven key business models and discuss how these models have completely reshaped the software industry.  As almost every business is becoming a software business, Dr. Chou will discuss by showing  how these business models might change every industry from transportation to construction. 

Cloud Computing

You can't go thru any airport or watch any sporting event without seeing the word "cloud computing".   Dr. Chou will explain cloud computing in a way you could describe to your Facebook friends.  He will cover six major categories starting at the network and moving up to the application layer, and will focus on how cloud computing will affect every industry from financial services to retail and from agriculture to power generation.

Timothy Chou's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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