
Steve Cardenas

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Book Steve Cardenas

Imagine having no acting experience and learning on the job how to play what would become an iconic character. Well, that was Steve Cardenas as Rocky DeSantos, the second Red Power Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Steve then played the Blue Zeo Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo two seasons later. Steve did have a background in Taekwondo and Jiu Jitsu – he owns a martial arts studio in Burbank, California as well as his hometown of San Antonio – and he’s won medals at multiple martial arts contests, including gold medals at the 2009 American National Championship and the 2010 Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear Open. Steve reprised his role as Rocky DeSantos for the 25th anniversary episode of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

Steve Cardenas's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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