
Scott Klososky

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As a founding partner of digital strategy firm, Future Point of View (FPOV), Scott lives on the leading edge of technology and innovative thinking. Scott speaks to large audiences worldwide about the intersection of humanity and Digital Transformation. Through FPOV, Scott provides advisory work for clients including Fortune 100, SMBs, and government entities. This work has driven him to develop unique concepts such as the HUMALOGY® Scale for measuring the amount of human or machine involved in a system or process, and the Rivers of Information® process for building learning eco-systems. He also pioneered a framework for looking accurately into the future of an industry sector to set organizational strategy: The High Beam process.


Scott co-founded Alkami Technology (ALKT), the developer of a second-generation online banking platform with innovative features non-existent in current systems. The company went public in 2021 at a $ 3 billion valuation and is today headquartered in Dallas with over 350 employees.


Scott is recognized globally for his unique ability to accurately predict future digital trends and explain the logic behind why these will alter the current status quo of the economy and society. While the business application of his insights is extremely valuable to leaders and companies, he is also motivated to help improve the impact post-COVID environments are having on people and their daily lives. Technology has been increasingly driving change and stress and recent events are amplifying this problem. He has a unique perspective on how to manage the personal toll technology is causing people, teams, and organizations.


Along the way, Scott has participated as a board member with several firms, including WeGoLook which sold in 2017 for approximately $40 million, and First Fidelity Bank in Oklahoma and Phoenix. He is the author of four books including his most recent title, Did God Create the Internet? The Impact of Technology on Humanity. 

Speaking Topics

Prospering in Digital Disruption: Creating a Happy, Healthy, Balanced Life and Career

The concept of Digital Disruption is real and applies to more than just organizations. It also impacts individuals, families, and relationships. The digital realm has a powerful influence on all of the above, sometimes uplifting and at other times exhausting. Digital innovation is not going to slow anytime soon. The best hope for the world is that we learn to be intentional about our use, and connection with technology tools and systems. We must find the balance between the power it gives and our need for the elements of life that fulfill us as human beings. Leaders of organizations and HR departments have the potential to help team members better co-work with digital tools in ways that are sustainable over the long term. In this keynote, Scott shares new ideas and models for individuals and organizations to find a healthy balance between digital efficiency and well-being.

Humalogy: Integrating Humanity and Technology

Scott and the Future Point of View organization coined the term Humalogy® nearly ten years ago. Then they added a scale that helps leaders and organizations measure how much technology or human is involved in a process or system. Digital Transformation is not about humanity getting more and more technology, it is about the integration of technology with humanity to get things done. This is a powerful concept and framework for organizations to apply for automation and improve efficiency, safety, and throughput. When applied to the larger picture of the global economy, interesting and valuable opportunities emerge that leaders can take advantage of over the next few years. Scott shares interesting and customizable methods for showing what Humalogy® looks like at a practical level while helping leaders learn to apply it to their operations.

Co-Creating a Bright Future: Building a Thriving Technology-Infused World

Our human nature tends to drive us to fear the unknown and even exacerbate the potential of a dark and dangerous outcome for the future. Perhaps this is the reason that movies and books portray a dark dystopian future. It does not have to be that way and in fact, history does not support our progress as a species going backward. We have the agency to choose our future and need to snap out of our lazy Hollywood predictions of doom. In this presentation, Scott builds a powerful argument for a future world that is much improved at many levels. The vivid picture he paints of a brighter future provides hope and uplifts audiences. He shares what leaders, and all of us, can be doing today to ensure a Humalogy® balanced world in which we are excited for our children and grandchildren to thrive.

More Than Digital: The Human Side of the Transformation

When Digital Transformation is discussed it generally focuses on the new technologies coming into the world and how organizations can leverage them. Lost in the transformation is the human side of the equation. Inside organizations, team members are becoming more important to success than ever before. Machines are replacing tasks that are better done by intelligent systems which are freeing people to focus on tasks that require uniquely human skills. Leaders must learn to reconfigure their organizations quickly if they want to succeed during the rest of the transformation. In this talk, Scott presents many thought-leading ideas for re-architecting how organizations can better leverage their team members to amplify their technology and automation tools. Winning organizations will not reach that state through technology investment alone, they will also need to tweak their cultures, HR models, training programs, and incentive plans. 

Scott Klososky's Experiences


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