
Roger Crawford

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Book Roger Crawford

Roger Crawford is a unique and accomplished individual, recognized as both a Hall of Fame Athlete And a Hall of Fame Speaker. He brings a wealth of real-life experience as a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and award-winning speaker to his powerful presentations, delivering inspiration and insight to audiences.


Sports Illustrated acknowledged Roger as "One of the most accomplished, physically challenged athletes in history!" In recognition of his athletic success, the International Tennis Hall of Fame presented him with the ITA Achievement Award.


Roger's personal story brings instant credibility, and he has the unique ability to connect with any audience. He speaks about and lives his message every day, making his presentation authentic and relatable. As a speaker, Roger is one of the most sought-after in the world and has been inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame. He has inspired organizations to conquer challenges, accelerate performance, and transform results.


The true measure of realizing one's potential is how well one responds to change, self-doubt, adversity, and fear. Roger Crawford's presentation helps individuals build a mindset powerful enough to overcome these obstacles, become the best version of themselves, and reach next-level success.


Roger’s achievements include:

  • Formerhost of the weekly feature “Motivational Mondays with Roger Crawford,” on the Tennis Channel
  • Recipient of the prestigious ITA Achievement Award, presented by the International Tennis Hall of Fame
  • Inducted into the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame
  • Member of the Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities (along with fellow honorees such as Christopher Reeve, Helen Keller, and former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt)


He’s been featured on many national television programs and publications, including:

  • Good Morning America
  • Monday Night Football
  • The Today Show
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Men’s Fitness
  • Fast Company
  • Tennis Magazine


Roger is also a bestselling author whose books have been translated into 17 different languages. His most recent book, Think to Win: The Power of Possibility Thinking, helps readers embrace change, improve their mindset, and achieve breakthrough performances.




Celebrated keynote speaker Roger Crawford has spent a lifetime motivating, inspiring, and elevating the performance of leaders and organizations around the world. As an NCAA Division One Hall of Fame athlete who overcame physical adversity, he has the innate ability to help people far outperform the level of success they believe is possible by driving them to excel both as individuals and as part of a team. His customizable presentations, relevant stories, and thought-provoking charm will keep your audience engaged, energized, and ready to take their game to an elite level.


Roger will make your next meeting inspirational, transformational, and serve as a catalyst for new attitudes and actions that deliver real results. Having Roger Crawford as your keynote speaker is an experience your audience will never forget!

Speaking Topics

Change Your Mindset Change Your Results

Acceptable to Exceptional. Your mindset is the single best predictor of success. You can’t always control your circumstances, but you can control your mindset, and the way you think controls your life.


Individuals and organizations that accomplish exceptional goals do not necessarily have better ideas or talent. Rather, they develop a growth mindset that gives them the ability to deal with failure, the confidence to take risks, and the perseverance to achieve their desired outcomes.


An important relationship exists between mindset, motivation, and results. People act in a manner consistent with their beliefs. To perform at your best, you must first have the right mindset because you live life from the inside out. Mindset gives you the ability to see what’s possible and the inspiration to achieve what’s possible.


This program is designed to give others the strategies, methods, and techniques to move beyond acceptable and reach exceptional performance. You will build the dedication, consistency, and mindset to go from where you are to where you want to be and have the courage to go there.


Key Takeaways

  • Focus on consistency rather than perfection.
  • Enhanced clarity on what’s possible.
  • Tap the power of a startup mindset.
  • Understand why small victories are crucial for long-term success.
  • Make your desire stronger than your disappointments.
  • Be Willing to let go of what makes you comfortable.
  • Learn the difference between real and imagined obstacles.
  • Discover why lack of belief can be your biggest handicap.
  • Identify and work within your unique sweet spot.

Rebound, Reset, And Reach Higher

Turn Change into Opportunity. Now more than ever, the true measure of success is how well you respond to change, uncertainty, and disruption. To rise above these circumstances and uncover opportunity, you need grit, adaptability, and a positive outlook. Constant change is inevitable, and depending on your mindset, it can either be seen as overwhelming or as an opportunity.


When facing short-term challenges or long-term changes, successful organizations find new and creative ways to achieve their objectives. Experiencing change provides them the chance to dig deep, discover capabilities, and clarify purpose!


For organizations to turn unexpected change into unexpected opportunity, it’s vital they adapt, transform, and reinvent. As a result, “We have always done it that way” is no longer a viable philosophy for long-term success.


Rebound, Reset, and Reach Higher is designed to help audiences rebound from change, reset their mindset, and reach higher levels of achievement. This powerful presentation will equip your team with daily practices and powerful strategies they can use to become even better than they are today. In Addition, Roger Crawford’s story will inspire your people to put change and challenges they face into perspective.


Key Takeaways

  • Build the mindset and skill set to turn change into opportunity
  • Find today’s solutions by letting go of yesterday’s thinking
  • Discover how to release resistance to change
  • Understand how to decrease excuses and increase results
  • Develop the ability to see possibility in adversity
  • Realize why change is needed for innovation, progress, and growth
  • Think strategically and link change to the big picture
  • Why no organization can afford to stand still


How High Can You Bounce?

Build Resilience and Rise Above Challenges. What do remarkable people and successful organizations have in common? They have built a resilient mindset that enables them to bounce back and rise above challenges regardless of the circumstances.


How you view challenges impacts your level of success and is one of the most important reasons having a resilient mindset is so valuable. Being resilient means that when you face adversity, you have the confidence, clarity, and courage to bounce higher. You don’t see failure or mistakes as a negative reflection of your abilities but as an opportunity for growth.


Resilient people focus their energy on what they have control over and resist worrying about the uncontrollable. This increases their resilience because they feel energized, positive, and proactive.


This presentation is designed to give others the ability to build a resilient mindset, bounce back from setbacks and reach higher levels of achievement. You will develop beliefs that build resilience, drive the right behaviors, and create the best results.


Key Takeaways

  • Discover the difference between fear and anxiety
  • Focus on the known instead of the unknown
  • Prioritize progress over perfection
  • Develop the ability to unlock your grit
  • How to build resilience in good times
  • Create a new way of thinking and push past obstacles
  • See adversity as an opportunity to build resilience
  • Understand how actions follow assumptions
  • Turn disruption into development
  • Build a bounce-back mindset

The Diversity Mindset

Differences are Benefits not Deficits. Organizational diversity has become a top priority for companies to bring in new viewpoints from different backgrounds. Today’s leaders understand having a diverse and forward-thinking culture is vitally important for future success. A commitment to diversity brings new ideas, which leads to new opportunities for growth and success.


When diverse people work together, they often see the same circumstances differently and as a result find innovative solutions.


The capacity to appreciate and value individual differences is determined by your mindset. Because, how you think, act, and feel drive diversity outcomes.


Roger Crawford’s program "The Diversity Mindset" helps organizations value differences, appreciate others, and recognize the potential of diverse talent working together towards a shared vision.


Key Takeaways

  • Build Courage- To connect with others who have different life experiences and aren’t just like you takes courage.
  • Inspire Authenticity- When you accept who you truly are, it’s easier to accept others as they truly are.
  • Elevate Understanding- The less understanding we have of something the more we experience fear and uncertainty.
  • Expand Perspective- When you engage with others that have diverse life experiences, you learn something new, that can enhance your perspective.
  • Increase Results- Any organization is more likely to increase performance with people that have diverse, personalities, attitudes, and skill sets.

Roger Crawford's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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