
Renée Smith

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Book Renée Smith

Have you ever wondered if there’s a better way to work that achieves results AND uplifts people instead of abusing and discarding them? You’re not alone. Many others are looking for something better too. Witness the “Great Resignation.” We know that we humans do our best work when we feel safe and valued. We inherently seek belonging and meaning, but modern workplaces often neglect these core needs thinking they are in conflict with achieving performance outcomes. Nothing could be further from the truth! 

Renée Smith, MSOD, champions a new way of working that makes better business sense than fear. It’s love. Love? Yes, love. And it makes all the difference for people and performance. That’s why she's spoken hundreds of times, to thousands of people, in nine countries, telling them: “It’s time to put love at the center of work!” 


An award-winning executive, researcher, writer, and sought-after speaker, Renée is the founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, a movement of aligned change-makers and leaders and a global consultancy committed to making work more loving and human. Her message is igniting a new way to work that leaves 19th-century industrial-era thinking in the dust and shows a vibrant, meaningful, and effective way of working that unleashes human potential. As a behavioral scientist with 20+ years of leadership experience, Renée makes the compelling business case that love is good for team members and organizations, and its value ripples to families and communities too. She shares stories and insights from her primary research, from her work in the Governor's Office as Director of Workplace Transformation for Washington State, a position created for her, and from her practice as a coach, educator, and trusted advisor to leaders. She has been described as gutsy, bold, revolutionary, and radically kind. After hearing her speak, audiences know the concrete actions they can take right now to bring love to their work and are inspired to make their teams more human too!

Renée Smith's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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I want to thank you for your presentation during [our agency] Leadership Conference, I was motivated to look at my leadership style and make necessary changes to improve myself as a leader.

Her professionalism is matched by her knowledge and experience, and this creates a sense of reassurance with her audience. Renée's impact on a particularly skeptical cohort of medical professionals was impressive and we've booked her to return this year. Highly recommended.

I am so glad you visited us to remind us of how working in a more human way is a win all around. Thank you. My team members still talk about you and the workshop, which I sense made quite an impact on them. You helped us validate what we sensed was the right thing to do in the workplace regarding being kind to your fellow human.