
Rachel Pedersen

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Book Rachel Pedersen

Rachel Pedersen is a Social Media and Digital Marketing Strategist who partners with entrepreneurs to create disruptive, creative campaigns that generate exponential returns. Through her digital marketing agency, The Viral Touch, Rachel and her team help business owners break through the ‘glass ceiling’ of opportunity. Their campaigns bring results that change the narrative, such as achieving 7134% growth for an organic skincare company, generating $3 million in one year for a fitness company, and reaching over 12 million people for a coach. 

Rachel overcame the statistical odds as a college dropout, alcoholic, and single mother in poverty and has dedicated herself to creating life-changing business growth that emulates the radical change in her personal life.  Rachel’s passion for helping others change their life stories is apparent in the energy and wisdom she brings as the founder of Social Media United, the leading online education platform for social media managers. With more than 1100 students from 70+ countries worldwide, Pedersen’s platform supports and trains students - predominantly stay-at-home parents, single moms, and college dropouts - how to develop and leverage their skills to become successful social media managers. 


She is a perfect keynote speaker and/or workshop presenter for audiences of small-business owners looking to level up their marketing and lead-generation presence online! 

Rachel Pedersen's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
I'm prepared to move to contract immediately if my offer is accepted.

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