
Piers Linney

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Piers Linney is a very high-profile British entrepreneur, investor, media commentator and keynote speaker with a remarkable journey spanning multiple industries. Piers grew up in a Lancashire mill town and went on to become a City lawyer and M&A banker despite many challenges throughout his journey. Piers has established himself as a renowned leader who inspires audiences with his unique insights, innovative thinking, and passion for driving positive change. Piers is a technology investor, commentator and a ‘Top Artificial Intelligence Voice’ on LinkedIn.


As a former investor on the hit BBC programme "Dragons' Den" (known as "Shark Tank" in the USA), Piers showcased his keen eye for identifying and nurturing promising businesses. His most notable investment, Wonderbly, became the most successful in the show's history, generating a remarkable 43x return upon its sale in 2021. Piers' experience on the programme, coupled with his extensive background in entrepreneurship, makes him a sought-after speaker on topics such as innovation, the future of work, AI, business growth, financing and entrepreneurship. Piers also appeared on Channel 4’s The Secret Millionaire programme where he met and has since mentored a young prisoner who is now a cloud infrastructure expert employed by a large technology consultancy.


Piers' entrepreneurial journey is a testament to his resilience, adaptability, and innovative mindset. Despite facing challenges during the dotcom crash in 2000 and again in 2016, Piers persevered and has built businesses in the technology, media, telecommunications and additive manufacturing sectors. His success story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators, demonstrating the power of determination and the importance of embracing change. Piers is a co-founder and Chairman of Atherton Bikes, a cutting-edge mountain bike brand launched in collaboration with the 8x World Championship winning Atherton siblings. Atherton Bikes uses additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques to create bikes that won 1st and 2nd at the Word Championship in 2023.


In recent years, Piers has focused his attention on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the future of work and employment. As the co-founder of Implement AI, a next-generation technology partner for businesses, Piers helps organisations of all sizes understand and harness the power of AI to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth. His keynote speeches on AI and the future of work provide audiences with a compelling vision of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, equipping them with the knowledge and strategies needed to thrive in an increasingly tech-driven world.


Recognised as one of the top 100 most influential black Britons and featured in the Financial Times / EMpower top 100 list of Ethnic Minority Executives, Piers is a champion for diversity and inclusion in the business world. He draws from his personal experiences and professional expertise to deliver thought-provoking and actionable insights on fostering inclusive workplaces, leveraging diverse perspectives, and driving positive social change. Piers is a member of Sky's Diversity Advisory Council, which has a £30m budget, playing a crucial role in shaping the company's strategy towards becoming a more diverse and inclusive organisation.


Piers' diverse background, which includes roles as a qualified solicitor, investment banker, fund manager, and as a Non-Executive Director of the government-owned British Business Bank during the roll-out of the £90bn in Covid support funding, gives him a unique perspective on the intersection of business, finance, and technology. He has represented and supported small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the government SME Procurement Panel, advocating for their crucial role in driving economic growth and innovation. He was also a Trustee of Nesta, the UK's largest innovation foundation (£600m), for six years. 


As a keynote speaker, Piers captivates audiences with his engaging storytelling, practical insights, and infectious passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. Whether sharing his personal journey, discussing the future of work, or exploring the transformative potential of AI, Piers leaves a lasting impact on his listeners, inspiring them to think differently, embrace change, and strive for success.


For event organisers seeking a well-known, dynamic, knowledgeable, and inspiring speaker, Piers Linney is an exceptional choice. With his wealth of experience, thought-provoking ideas, and ability to connect with audiences from diverse backgrounds, Piers delivers keynote speeches that resonate, educate, and motivate. By booking Piers for your event, you can be assured of a transformative experience that will leave your audience inspired, informed, and equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the modern business landscape.


Speaking Topics -

  • Dragons’ Den and Secret Millionaire
  • Impact of AI and technology
  • How to implement AI in an organisation
  • Personal journey from mill town to the City
  • Business growth and scaling up
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Future of work and employment
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution
  •  Interactive Q&As

Piers Linney's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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“Piers was invited to speak at our conference. The focus of his content was AI, providing an overview of its current capabilities and how they might evolve over the next few years. The subject area was incredibly current for our business, uncovering a thirst for more insight across the audience. Piers had a deep knowledge of AI, answering surprisingly advanced questions with ease, his delivery was engaging and held the audience right to the end.”

Adrian Jaggard, CEO, Taylor Rose MW

"A quick note to say thank you for speaking at our event this week. The customer feedback has been fantastic and your in conversation session with Michael was excellent. Really insightful, thought provoking and injected a real buzz into the room!"

Neil, NatWest

“Piers was keynote speaker and customer panel host at our Small Business Live event at Cisco Live Barcelona 2019. His presentation and panel resonated extremely well with our audience and were top-rated sessions from the event programme by attendees. Piers is an insightful, energetic and entertaining speaker, with thoughtprovoking ideas and insights based upon his extensive business experience. His vibrance and enthusiasm during his presentation kept the audience engaged from start to end. Not only was he well received by the audience, he was easy and personable to work with, spending extra time listening to the other speakers and interacting with our team and delegates.”

Wheller, Director, Segment, Brand & Advocacy Marketing, Cisco EMEAR

"An amazing person and speaker. So popular that we ran out of headphones and space on our exhibition stand! It was an incredible sight."

Sage (UK) Ltd

"Piers has had the biggest impact of any speaker that we have hosted in the 3 years since we have been running events…Superefficient and easy to work with in organising, I wouldn't hesitate in working with Piers again."

Virgin StartUp

“We invited Piers to talk to our colleagues about diversity and its importance in business at our first ever digital internal conference. We’re at the start of our journey when it comes to talking about race and ethnic diversity in the workplace and Piers pitched his session perfectly for our colleagues. His session was informative, insightful and inspiring and garnered fantastic engagement and feedback from colleagues, with several describing it as the best presentation they’ve seen during their time with the business. We’d have Piers back again in a heartbeat, on any one of the wide variety of subjects on which he’s an expert!"

Lauren, The Very Group

"We invited Piers to join in our conversation on ethnic diversity and race in the workplace and to share his thoughts on the role organisations have and actions they can take to ensure that they can access a more diverse pool of talent. Piers is a fantastic speaker and has an easy, upbeat and frank way of speaking about serious issues. With Piers, we had an open, honest and enlightening conversation with really good engagement from the online audience. It was very interesting hearing his own story which was truly inspiring. It was a popular event and the feedback on the session has been extremely positive. More importantly, Piers left us with lots to think about. One big take away from the session was “when hiring, don’t just hire yourself”. It was a fantastic Session!"

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

"Piers was a fantastic guest speaker for our event. His wealth of experience, coupled with his insight into future trends, was on point for our audience. We were looking for a celebrity who is also an expert, and that’s what we got. We had a great experience with Piers throughout, from the initial briefing call to the event itself. He made a real effort to understand our company and our product, and the care he took in tailoring his content for our event really shone through."

Gloria, Marketing Manager, OneStream Software

“Piers presented 5 incredibly valuable actions to enable a business to scale for IT Glue's EMEA Managed Services Provider audience and the feedback received has been excellent. His knowledge of the challenges being faced at this precise moment, advice on how to overcome them, along with the mistakes to avoid, demonstrated not only the extent of his expertise and experience in our market but provided enormous value for the audience to tap into. I'm excited to hear about the plans our clients have implemented and the subsequent impact of these as a result of Piers's insights - his candid answers during the Q&A when asked about the success of his investments on Dragon's Den were a real crowd pleaser too! “

Alex, Sales Director, IT Glue, EMEA

"Pass my thanks on to Piers. It was lovely to meet him and his speech was fabulous - we have had great feedback so far."

Reach Plc

"Offered a unique insight into the topics discussed based on his own experiences, and his genuine understanding of capital markets."

Thomson Reuters