
Peter Kozlowski, MD

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Book Peter Kozlowski, MD

Meet Dr. Peter Kozlowski, a distinguished Functional Medicine practitioner, author, and holistic health speaker with over a decade of expertise dedicated to transforming healthcare. As a seasoned professional, Dr. Kozlowski has become a trusted figure in the field, blending traditional medical knowledge with innovative approaches to address the root causes of health issues.


Armed with a medical degree and a background in Family Practice, Dr. Kozlowski's journey took a transformative turn during his internship, where he immersed himself in the principles of Functional Medicine. Under the mentorship of renowned figures such as Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Dr. Susan Blum, he honed his skills and developed a unique perspective on comprehensive patient care.


With a passion for education and sharing his insights, Dr. Kozlowski has authored two impactful books, Unfunc your Gut and Get the Func Out, that have resonated with a broad audience. His publications not only showcase his depth of understanding in Functional Medicine but also reflect his commitment to empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being.


Dr. Kozlowski is a trailblazer in the fields of nutrition, gut health, immune health, hormone imbalances, detox, and mental, emotional, and spiritual health. His work delves into the interconnectedness of these systems and how to identify imbalances that lead to chronic disease.


Beyond the confines of his practice, Dr. Kozlowski is a dynamic speaker who has crisscrossed the country, captivating audiences with his engaging talks on holistic health. Whether at medical conferences, community events, or educational seminars, Dr. Kozlowski captivates audiences with his educational talks that bridge the gap between conventional and holistic approaches to well-being. He has shown over and over a unique ability to convey complex medical concepts in an accessible and relatable manner which has made him a sought-after speaker.

Peter Kozlowski, MD's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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"Dr. Peter Kozlowski is a pioneering voice in functional medicine, dedicated to uncovering the root causes of chronic disease. As a speaker, he captivates audiences with his unique ability to transform complex medical science into clear, actionable strategies that inspire real change."

"I have had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Peter Kozlowski speak a number of times. Each time I was impressed by his knowledge, engaging presentation style, and ability to make complex topics easy to understand. He presents information in a clear and concise manner, using examples and case studies to illustrate real-world application. Dr. Kozlowski is a true expert in Integrative and Functional Medicine and his clinical experience is evident in his presentations. I highly recommend Dr. Peter Kozlowski as a speaker. He is knowledgeable, an excellent communicator and wonderful to work with."

"Working with Dr. Peter Kozlowski was an absolute joy. He is incredibly knowledgeable, down-to-earth, and accessible, always keeping the end goals in mind. He is a masterful communicator and teacher, and his presentations are custom-crafted with unique graphics and illustrations he develops to deliver a powerful message. His energy, enthusiasm, and empowerment are palpable during his presentations, motivating others to take action on the information he presents to improve their health and lives. Dr. Kozlowski truly excels at what he does, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him."