
Michelle Poler

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Book Michelle Poler

Born and raised in Caracas-Venezuela, Michelle Poler is a creative and passionate social entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker, fear-facer, and branding strategist. She is the Founder of Hello Fears, a social movement that has reached over 70 million people worldwide and has empowered thousands to step outside of the comfort zone and tap into their full potential. She has been invited to speak at places such as TEDx, Google, Yum Brands, Facebook, Wells Fargo, ESPN, Netflix, P&G, Microsoft, Toyota, and many more.


Michelle is the Author of Hello Fears: Crush Your Comfort Zone and Become Who You’re Meant To Be and is also the creator of the project 100 Days Without Fear. Her work has been featured on The TODAY Show, Forbes, CBS, CNN, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Fox News, Telemundo, Glamour, Elle, The Rachael Ray Show, Refinery29, and Daily Mail among many others.


Early on in her career she worked as an Art Director at Young & Rubicam for brands such as Hershey’s, Wendy’s, AT&T and Revlon. Michelle is currently living in Miami, FL, and holds a Masters in Branding from the School of Visual Arts in New York City.

Speaking Topics

Fear Less, Do More: A Talk That Will Change Your Perception Of Fear And Inspire You To Take Action

Michelle’s humorous and inspiring speaking style has captivated audiences across the globe. With authentic storytelling, engaging visuals, and her 100 Days Without Fear experience, Michelle will show you how to challenge your comfort zone to tap into your full potential. 


Key Takeaways

  • Dealing with the unknown / embracing change
  • Seeking GROWTH over SAFETY
  • Leading with accountability
  • Daring to fail
  • The difference between FEARLESS leaders and BRAVE leaders
  • Highlighting our authenticity
  • The REAL enemy of success (not failure)
  • The difference between universal, cultural, and personal fears
  • How to trigger our Behavioral Activation System
  • Redefining fear, from obstacle to opportunity

Irreplaceable: Lean How To Go From Being One More To Becoming One Of A Kind

As a branding expert, entrepreneur, and leader of a community of hundreds of thousands of people on social media, Michelle has been able to leverage her authentic story and experience to become a renowned author, an international keynote speaker, and a digital educator with over 6,000 students across the globe.


IRREPLACEABLE is a journey through one’s individuality and the power of owning who we already are. It’s a call to contrast instead of compare. An invitation to show up and bring out what we’ve got.


Key Benefits for Team Members

  • Showing up at work with authentic, unique, bold ideas and perspectives
  • Breaking the loop of comparison to become one of a kind
  • Overcoming perfectionism to unleash creativity and innovation
  • Crushing the imposter syndrome and trusting your worth
  • Leading with purpose and confidence
  • Promoting and pitching ideas with enthusiasm instead of fear or doubt
  • Developing trustworthiness anchored on your values


Key Benefits for the organization

Individuals who can understand their worth and embrace their authentic selves will tap into their confidence to add exponential value to any team, spark innovative ideas, collaborate instead of compete, encourage creativity, and help your organization stand out from the competition.


A great fit for:

  • Sales and marketing
  • Direct Selling
  • Associations
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Team Building

Michelle Poler's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
I'm prepared to move to contract immediately if my offer is accepted.

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“The only complaint that we’ve received is that we had a limit on the number of attendees and so not everyone could attend! There are a lot of people now asking themselves “What is the BEST that could happen?” Thank you for inspiring bravery and teaching us about our fears!”

"Michelle delivered an exceptional keynote on her relationship with fear, growth, and ultimately herself at our women's event. She is a true inspiration of seizing the day to live a full and compelling life that you can be proud of. The audience loved her content as much as her energy, she was a breath of fresh air. A remarkable speaker"

"Our event was a huge success because of Michelle's talk. Her session scored a 4.9 (out of 5) and was raved about in feedback! She inspired and motivated all who had the privilege to hear you speak!"

“THANK YOU!!! You were an absolute joy to have at our event (GTO Symposium 2019) and we are so grateful for your time and energy. The team is all buzzing about your talk and we’ve heard from SO many people that you were the highlight of their day. Thank you for being so incredible to work with.”

"Michelle's talk was tremendously inspiring and insightfully put together. She was beyond well prepared and poured her heart into her message; everything you would ever want from a presenter. I honestly can't say enough good things about working with her as a TEDxHouston speaker. She's a talented designer and brave woman."