
Max Lenderman

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Book Max Lenderman

Max Lenderman has a pulse on the future so that you and your business can win today.


Throughout his career as CCO, CMO and CEO at global ad agencies and fast-growing brands, Max has worked at the forefront of marketing’s evolution. His first book 15 years ago made the term “experiential marketing” part of a brand’s lexicon and is still considered “the best book on experiential marketing.” His second book presented outrageously effective marketing campaigns from around the world. And for the past decade, he has consulted Fortune 100 companies on the power of purpose in marketing – years before the term “brand purpose” became a must-have in business.


He is also a well-known marketing voice in the world of web3, having launched one of the earliest web3 consulting agencies in early 2021. He is currently helping brands and businesses understand the “phygital” connections between digital and physical worlds that will be the next frontier of marketing and advertising.


He is a columnist for Adweek and Campaign magazines, where he writes the “Into the Metaverse” column. He has spoken at major conferences like SXSW, Consensus, Forbes CMO Summit, Advertising Week, The Art of Marketing and X-Prize, as well as dozens of marketing conferences and company off-sites.


Max is a masterful “explainer” and connecter. If you are interested in innovation, creativity and insight to unlock business growth and social impact, Max will help you look within and see around the corner.


Throughout his career as CCO, CMO and CEO at global ad agencies and fast-growing brands, Max has worked at the forefront of marketing’s rapid evolution. A pioneering expert in experience-based marketing and purpose-led brand building, he’s also a strong marketing voice in the world of web3, having launched one of the earliest web3 consulting agencies in early 2021. He is a columnist for Adweek and Campaign magazines, where he writes the “Into the Metaverse” column.

Speaking Topics

Why Web3 Matters to Marketers

You may be a believer in web3, are interested in it, or think it is a hyped-up fad – all three of these perspectives are all to be discussed – but you have to get a good understanding on why it may be a huge opportunity for your marketing and innovation.

The blending of digital and physical worlds – the “phygital” – will be instrumental in the marketing of the future. Learn how the creators, influencers and entrepreneurs are reshaping the marketing landscape, and what brands and companies can do right now to capitalize on the surge of physical and digital integration.


Max guides his audience on the philosophies that are driving the ever-increasing blending of URL and IRL creativity, innovation and brand-building. And he gives applicable examples of how brands and companies are using the latest technologies being appropriated in the metaverse to drive customer loyalty, earned media, product innovation and more.


Brand Purpose: Now More Than Ever

People want brands and businesses to stand for something now more than ever. Brand purpose was a major conversation in marketing and advertising before than pandemic and truly flourished during it. But in a post-pandemic world, people are changing their views on what brands should be doing to be more purposeful. And brands are rethinking how to prove their purpose credentials.


After consulting with Gallup on revelatory research, Max introduces an “invertising” approach to brand purpose, showing how employee-level purpose and meaning in work is at the heart of the biggest competitive advantage for businesses and brands.


This isn’t just a speech or presentation. It’s an exploration of the greatest work in the world that has the potential to do the greatest good in the world. Let Max Lenderman show you why that matters today more than ever.

Your Brand Is a Verb

Brand experience and customer experience have fast become top priorities for businesses, replacing product and price as a priority. According to PWC, 86% of US buyers will pay extra for a better brand experience. This talk moves the audience to understand the fundamental aspects of great brand experience, the trends that are driving its growth, and the implications for its business.


Max presents mind-blowing examples from around the world and first-hand accounts of creating some of the most awarded brand experience campaigns in history.


He should know; he literally wrote the books on experiential marketing and experience-based innovation: “Experience the Message” and “Brand New World.”

The Fifth "P": "Purpose is the New Digital"

The notion that brands need to stand for something in order to stand out is a powerful driver of modern marketing. Believing that “purpose is the new digital,” Max Lenderman takes the audience on a creative journey of the most effective modern marketing campaigns that prove that purpose is the next and biggest competitive advantage for business.


The audience will see how the original marketing principles have been transformed by purpose and will be inspired by the latest and greatest creative work in the world. We’ll see the step-by-step process to find purpose in brands, and the different tactical executions that have resulted in massive sales lifts and awareness for purposeful brands. The audience is not just informed; it’s motivated and enlightened.


This isn’t just a speech or presentation. It’s an exploration of the greatest work in the world that has the potential to do the greatest good in the world. Let Max Lenderman show you why that matters.


Perfect for: Company Annual Conferences, Creative Summits, CSR/Cause Conferences, HR/Corporate Communications Meetings, Future Trends Meetings

Experience The Message: “Brands are Verbs”

Brand experience and customer experience have fast become top priorities for businesses, replacing product and price as a priority. According to PWC, 86% of US buyers will pay extra for a better brand experience. This talk moves the audience to understand the fundamental aspects of great brand experience, the trends that are driving its growth, and the implications for its business. Max presents mind-blowing examples from around the world and first-hand accounts of creating some of the most awarded brand experience campaigns in history. He should know; he literally wrote the book on experiential marketing and experience-based innovation.


Perfect for: Company Annual Conferences, Creative Summits, B2B/Trade Conferences, Future Trends Meetings

A Web3 World: “Let’s Get Phygital!”

Much attention in experiential marketing is (rightly) being paid to AR, VR, XR and other hyper-reality, metaverse tools. But equal weight should be given to web 3 communities centered on decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) such as NFTs, digital currencies, index funds and tokenized communities. 


Max guides his audience on the philosophies that are driving the ever-increasing blending or URL and IRL creativity. And he gives applicable examples of how brands and companies are using the latest technologies being appropriated in the metaverse to drive customer loyalty, massive earned media, product innovation and more. 


Learn how the creators, influencers and entrepreneurs of the future are reshaping the marketing landscape, and what brands and companies can do right now to capitalize on the surge of physical and digital integration. 


Perfect For: Branding Workshops, Company Annual Conferences, Creative Summits, Agency Workshops, Future Trends Meetings

Introducing - “Web3 101” (Workshop)

An engaging, hands-on, and entry-level workshop to accelerate your teams’ knowledge of web3 and metaverse fundamentals. 

Teams Onboarding: Fundamentals of Web3 Metaverse, Metaverse Marketing, Intellectual Property, Blockchain & Data, DAOs & Communities, Media/Audience Targeting, Digital Rights & Loyal 

Custom & Focused: Specific insights, Custome Case Studies, Competitive Analysis, Category Data, Hands-On Tech Demos, Targeted Brainstorming, Tailored KPIs

Flexible Agendas: 1- and 2- Day Sessions, On-Site or Off-Site, Virtual or In-Person, Shareable Video Recap, 1-on1 Follow-Ups, Various Pricing Tiers, Bespoke Account Service

The Principles and Practices of Web3 for Brands and Business (Workshop)

Get a birds-eye view of the web3 landscape and learn together vital tools, communities and tactics to use for your brand or business. It’s not an easy ecosystem to navigate. Let Max be the sherpa.

Let's Get Phygital (Workshop)

The more digital the world gets, the more brands need to create physical experiences IRL (in real life). This workshop is perfect for companies looking to create deeper engagement and growth through experience-based strategy and tactics.

Max Lenderman's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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“Max Lenderman is the best “explainer” in the business. A strategist, visionary, creative, sure. But the guy just understands and explains the whole #metaversetwistyourbrainintoapretzel better than anyone IMO. When in doubt, I ask Max.”

“Max is simply amazing. He is always a ball of creativity and interest. His two books helped me redefine how I think about marketing, and he is one of the best presenters on the topic. Check out his stuff and hire him (he's that good).”

“I had the pleasure of working with Max as one of our presenters at The Art of Marketing conference in Toronto, Vancouver & Calgary. Without a doubt, Max is a pioneer and leading visionary in experiential marketing. His presentations continue to engage our audiences, through his elaborate case studies and undying passion to interact customers with brands. He has continued to receive rave reviews amongst our attendees, so much so that we're hiring him again for Montreal!”

“Max is one of a kind. He is creative, business savvy and a progressive thinker. Every idea that Max concepts engages the audience in an innovative manner-this ranges from experiential to cinema to digital. Max is able to think about how the consumer will actual experience the idea, not just how it reads on the page. And he is just plain fun to work with.”

“Max is a superstar - a strategically minded, creatively brilliant individual who pushes boundaries and reshapes marketplaces. I wouldn't hesitate to work with him on any project where you want to, as Steve Jobs once said, “put a dent in the universe.”

“Max delivered an amazing presentation that had the hall entranced. There was a lot of head-nodding. My team came away both inspired and armed with practical information around brand purpose to drive our marketing, talent recruitment and CSR strategies.”

“Max showed our teams how to get to ideas fast. His lessons were immediately applicable and his examples were thought-provoking.”