
Matthew Buckley

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Book Matthew Buckley

Whiz is an internationally recognized motivational and keynote speaker who has worked with companies and organizations ranging from the Fortune 500 to NFL teams to small businesses to improve their performance and execution. He is one of the only speakers in the world with extensive military and business experience. 


He is a decorated Navy TOPGUN F/A-18 Hornet fighter pilot who went from the Front Lines to the Front Office. He flew fighters for 15 years, deploying onboard USS Abraham Lincoln and USS Kitty Hawk in support of Operation Southern Watch. He was a C level executive of a multi-billion-dollar trading firm headquartered in the Chicago Board of Trade and created a $25M media company startup in under a year at the age of 38. He also founded a highly successful financial training company.

Whiz is the founder and President of the No Fallen Heroes Foundation – 501c3 dedicated to saving and changing the lives of our nation’s heroes - veterans, first responders, and their families . He is an international best-selling author of 3 books:

  • From Sea Level to C Level: A Navy Fighter Pilot’s Journey from the Front Lines to the Front Office
  • Strength and Gratitude
  • Covid Crash: From Panic to Profit 


Whiz is the Executive Producer No Fallen Heroes: Extraction, a docuseries following Whiz and his mission to try and end or reduce the national tragedy of veteran suicide. He hosts the MAX Afterburner Podcast, a freeform podcast ranked in the top 2.5% of podcasts in the world.

Whiz is the ONLY motivational and keynote speaker in the world who can fulfill a once in a lifetime dream of taking you flying in his own L-39C Albatros fighter jet. Whiz can also provide 2 fighter jets for the ultimate 1 versus 1 TOPGUN ‘dogfight’ experience.

Speaking Topics

Superior Execution With A Corporate Battle Rhythm

Organizations and teams plan. They have a plan to plan. "Death by planning." But as GEN George S. Patton said:

"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." Discover the proprietary, combat and business tested process Whiz uses to plan quickly that also ensures plans are successfully executed with precision and accountability.

Key Takeaways

  • PACED: Plan, Adjust with Red Team, Communicate, Execute, Debrief
  • Red Team: If you don't Red Team the plan before you execute, someone will gladly do it for you - your enemy
  • Debrief: Learn why the debrief is REQUIRED to improve future execution and learn HOW to do it right

The Aart Of Leadership

Authority. Accountability. Responsibility. Trust. These components are required in order to lead high performing teams and organizations. In this powerful and direct presentation Whiz will engage and challenge everyone from the newest employee to the leadership team. Using poignant examples from Wall Street to fiery crashes and mishaps aboard aircraft carriers, Whiz demonstrates the MUST HAVE requirements to be an effective leader and shows what can happen when these traits are lacking.

Key Takeaways

  • The Four Required Traits: Improve the execution of your team immediately by ensuring alignment with AART
  • "I got it": 3 simple words your team needs to say - and mean - to change your culture and improve execution
  • Decision Time for the Team: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way


High performing teams have one thing in common – they strive for continuous improvement. After every mission – combat or business – Whiz gets together behind closed doors and knocks out what’s called a ‘nameless and rankless’ Debrief. No punches are pulled and the team figures out what’s working, what’s not, and what needs to happen to improve current and/or future execution.

Key Takeaways

  • It’s Not Who’s Right...It’s What’s Right: The Debrief is like Vegas and Church – what goes on in the Debrief stays in the Debrief and it’s an environment where the team is free to share where they’re falling short without fear of reprisal
  • Inside Out Criticism: The ‘Boss’ leads the debrief with ‘inside out criticism’ which lowers the barriers to communication and allows the entire team to share their observations
  • Lessons Learned: The deliverable of the debrief are critical lessons learned to improve execution, shared across theorganization

Defeating Your Enemy With The Red Team

In this powerful keynote Whiz shares a critical part of his proprietary planning process that most organization never do – and that’s why they fail. Before stepping to execute a mission – business or combat – Whiz gathers squadronmates or co-workers to act as the ‘enemy’ to attack his plan. This exercise makes the plan even tighter and increases the probability of success. If you don’t Red

team your plan before you get airborne, someone else will gladly do it for you – the enemy.

Key Takeaways

  • “Murder Board”: Discover why the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) calls this process a “Murder Board”
  • We’ve Met the Enemy – and it’s Us: A recurring reason many organizations fail during execution is because they didn’t think like the enemy during the planning process
  • Contingency Plan Now – Or Pay later: The time to think about what you’re going to do when something goes wrong is not when something goes wrong. Whiz demonstrated how contingency planning will end ‘fighting fires.’

Matthew Buckley's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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"Whiz blew our event at the Aspen airport out of the water. His extensive business and military experience is unparalleled and his life story veering from tragedy to success is beyond moving. He flew his own fighter jet to the event and provided a couple of people with the experience of a lifetime! Fight's On!"

"Whiz is the only speaker I've seen in over four decades who seamlessly weaves his military and business experience together to provide solid takeaways for organizations. Our team immediately implemented debriefing and red teaming which improved our business dramatically. His leadership experience from the front lines to the front office is unequaled. Usually, speakers receive warm applause when they're done - Whiz brought the house down with a standing ovation. As the President of Consumer and Business Banking for Capital One/Hibernia Bank I strongly recommend Matthew 'Whiz' Buckley."

"Whiz can walk into a crowded room of thousands and within minutes the thousands gather around him. He has the natural ability, demeanor and soul to engage everyone. Couple this energy with being an incredible family man, a decorated Navy fighter pilot and a high performing business leader and add a meaningful mission, saving Veterans lives. Whiz is THE man to take your team to the next level - he's done it from the front lines to the front office."

"I had the privilege of working with Matthew “Whiz” Buckley, and I can say without hesitation that his experience as a TOPGUN fighter pilot and C level executive sets him apart as an extraordinary motivational speaker."