
Martin Luther King III

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Book Martin Luther King III

As the oldest son of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King III serves as an ambassador of his parent’s legacy of nonviolent social change.


A graduate of his father's Alma mater, Morehouse College, Mr. King has devoted his life to working in the non-profit sector to promote civil rights and global human rights and to eradicate the “triple evils” of racism, militarism, and poverty his father identified as the scourges of humankind. As a high school student, he served as a Page to Senator Edward Kennedy and continued his public service, supporting social change movements through speaking engagements, appearances, and his writing. He was later elected as a member of the Fulton County, GA Board of Commissioners, representing over 700,000 residents.


As the elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the organization co-founded by his father, Mr. King reinvigorated SCLC by stabilizing the governance, program, and development components. As founder and president of Realizing the Dream, Inc., he took his father’s message to a global audience, spearheading nonviolence training in Bosnia Herzegovina, India, Israel & Palestine, Kenya, Sri Lanka, and the United States.


A former President and CEO of the Atlanta-based King Center, Mr. King remains a member of its Board of Directors. In addition, he serves as a board member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Drum Major Institute, a New York-based Think-Tank, and the Metropolitan West Management Asset Corporation.


Mr. King has also served as an election monitor and observer in South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya. In addition, Mr. King has conducted nearly 40 Poverty Study Tours in a groundbreaking initiative, which has sparked public debate and law enforcement advocacy on the issue of poverty.


In conjunction with Ambassador Andrew Young and other partners, Mr. King co-founded Bounce TV, the first independently owned and operated TV network featuring African Americans. The network’s content includes movies, sports, documentaries, and original programming.


The recipient of numerous awards and honorary degrees, Mr. King is married to Arndrea Waters King and the father of a daughter, Yolanda Rene named in honor of his late sister Yolanda Denise King.

Martin Luther King III's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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"MLK III was great! We had over 900 in attendance and I have only heard positive feedback from guests. He was great to work with and very accommodating. Great lecture, great speaker."

"The conference was wonderful, in no small part due to MLK III. Truly outstanding person who not only did a fabulous job in his session, but took the time to connect with the very many people who wanted to shake his hand, take a selfie, or just say a few words. "

"Martin Luther King III was spectacular! It was such an honor to have him at our event. His speech was heartfelt and impressive, and the audience seemed to hang on to Mr. King’s every word."