LOREN MICHAELS-HARRIS Loren Michaels-Harris is an influencer. A former foster child, Michaels-Harris strives to inspire and uplift every person who crosses his path. Having survived living within 22 foster homes over six years, his message shows those who want to know, that while life is full of challenges, “it is our challenges that provide us our greatest opportunities for growth and learning,” he says. As a mentor, “Purpose Discovery Coach,” author and friend, Michaels-Harris believes that we are all a part of “The Ripple Effect,” and that he must use his story to create a ripple that will reach around the globe. To achieve this, Michaels-Harris is embarking on a tour in 2023, speaking from the heart to give hope to those who are desperate to break through the various “glass ceilings” of their lives. “My goal in life is to expose as many people as possible to this systematic approach that has worked 100 percent in providing a template for me to follow, a template that has provided me with a life that before I only dreamed about.” Loren also currently has two IHeart Radio Shows: Cosmosapians and Licensed For Love. Michaels-Harris loves his Creator, loves being creative, and he loves books, music, and all things of beauty. His favorite saying is: “We can never be the blessing if we never see the blessing.” Loren currently has a Goalcast Motivational video that has earned well over 40M views worldwide. Loren is the Founder of “The Power Of WE Symposium” an event dedicated to uplifting, celebrating, and encouraging inner-city youth leaders around the globe. The Power Of WE Symposium provides a one-day experience for these kids that allows them access to areas of opportunity most have never dreamed possible. From a Red Carpet experience complete with paparazzi, a catered luncheon within an opulent venue, to one-on-one conversations with some of today’s top influencers from around the world…, this is a day that most of these deserving youth will never forget! Motivational speakers bring what they consider to be their “Super Power”, that one innate gift that has served them well their entire life and assisted in escorting them within the lives they today live. The Power Of WE Symposium has serviced kids 12 to 24 years of age in Chicago, and Atlanta, and will be taking this message to Romania in the fall of 2022. www.powerofwesymposium.com Michaels-Harris is also the Co-Founder of “The Next Impactor”, a global reality television competition that provides a platform for people from around the world to share their visions of impact and change for the empowerment of others.