Kimberly Carducci is a former D1 Swimmer, Author, Podcaster, Sports Researcher and Mental Health Advocate. Recruited to compete at The University of North Carolina, Carducci garnered accolades including National College Swimmer of the Week. Her personal journey of overcoming severe depression after retiring from sport drives her to educate athlete's on how best to manage the toughest moments of elite competition. Her organization, Everything Athletes, serves as an online refuge supporting athlete's mental health struggles and offers practical wisdom to thrive in sport. In addition to her website, podcast, online courses and blog, she wrote a self-help book for athletes, The I of the Tiger.
Carducci currently resides in Atlanta and has since picked up recreational tennis as her new sports endeavor. She's an avid reader and loves to dive into athlete memoirs and personal growth topics. When she isn't writing, reading or podcasting, you can find her at the spa!