
Julian Treasure

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Book Julian Treasure

Collectively, Julian’s five TED Talks have been viewed over 150 million times, and "How to Speak so That People Want to Listen" is the sixth most-viewed TED talk of all time. Julian delivers engaging, entertaining, and transformational content and is equally potent and effective with live or virtual delivery. ‍ His talks enhance business effectiveness, particularly for those in sales or leadership roles, as well as enriching relationships at work and home. His presenting skills and innovative use of sound make his talks visceral and potent experiences that are always highly rated by delegates. In addition to keynote speeches, Julian can also arrange structured training or workshops for your company.

Speaking Topics

Listening: The Forgotten Skill

Listening is the foundation of all trust-based relationships, but most organisations don't prioritise this crucial skill. In this practical, transformative talk, Julian reveals life-changing secrets of listening: what bit really is, why we don't do it, how to do it well, and how to create a listening organisation.

How To Speak So That People Want To Listen

Based on the sixth most-viewed TED talk of all time, Julian reveals the skills underlying powerful speaking, covering both content and delivery, and the common mistakes many people make. This talk can include a masterclass on public speaking and the essentials for potent virtual communication.

Julian Treasure's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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“If you’re thinking that sound doesn’t impact the power of your communication and your outcomes in life, you’re simply not listening close enough. Julian Treasure is a pure genius. He understands what motivates and moves people, and it’s all in the power of sound.”

You are officially our highest-rated session of the Full Summit so far! Huge Congratulations!

  • What is your favorite quote? I will listen to you, especially if we disagree.
  • Are there any moments that stand out as having a significant impact on your career? My first TED talk
  • Outside of your profession do you have any hobbies/interests? My family; music; walking in beautiful Orkney; travel; golf.
  • Who do you look up to as a mentor and why? Rod Banner, because he has achieved great success while remaining the nicest man in the world.
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? My fiancée Jane Majendie is a four-time world champion martial artist and a yoga and wellbeing guru who keeps me young and healthy, as well as being the love of my life.