
Jamil Soucar

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Book Jamil Soucar

Jamil Soucar is an award-winning author, national and international speaker and trainer in the field of Construction Management. He owns a Construction Management consulting business in California. Jamil also Consults to Owners, contractors, and developers to manage their projects from the start of design to construction completion. He offers expert witness services to construction lawyers for mediation, arbitration and litigation and holds a degree in Civil Engineering and a certificate in Project Management. He has also been in the construction industry since 1983. Jamil has helped many Owners, developers, and contractors get out from and avoid getting into costly claims and litigation. He has a goal in his writings and speaking engagements to help and teach people about how to avoid these costly claims and how to best plan for and manage construction. Jamil has gained a wide and diverse experience in construction, including a variety of work and roles from site supervision to project management to Senior Project Management. Having consulted to Contractors and Owners, he gained a well-rounded experience in all aspects of construction projects. As a Senior Project Manager, Mr. Soucar oversaw 560 projects managing the projects from scoping, design management, bid/award and construction up to final completion. Jamil’s published book has received awards at the Los Angeles and New York book festivals.

Jamil Soucar's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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  • What is your favorite quote? Managing construction projects is 20% technical and 80% people skills
  • Are there any moments that stand out as having a significant impact on your career? Deciding to leave employment and start my own business.
  • Outside of your profession do you have any hobbies/interests? Piano Player - Traveling - hiking - Martial Arts
  • Who do you look up to as a mentor and why? Firstly my parents who managed to provide for us in the middle of a 14 years Civil war in Lebanon. I'm a people observer so I've been mentored by several people that have achieved success in
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? I really care about people and I see the need to help people who engage in construction to learn how to avoid costly claims