
James Beck

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Imagine if your company culture could be rooted in a trifecta of happiness that elicits more bonding among colleagues, collaboration, creativity, support, trust, and transparency? Not to mention higher levels of individual joy, fulfillment and a willingness to take more risks and ultimately reach more goals. While it may sound like a unicorn working environment, it is actually possible, is backed by science, and it is exactly what Transformative Culture Change Expert James Beck is helping organizations do through his Unite Your People keynote and relationship-building program. 


James’ X-Factor has always been his deep knowledge of, and fascination with, neuroscience, but when he decided to personally test the effects of selfless acts of kindness by giving up all of his possessions and traveling the 50 States to serve others, that is when he knew there was more to giving than feeling good. 


He started to think about the opportunity that organizations have to transform by creating more meaningful working environments centered around deeper relationships. Most companies have programs where employees can provide service outside of the organization, but what about inside? How are companies fostering deeper bonding and giving within and between their people? 


James shares the strategies, science and inspiration to create this change. He reveals the neuroscience behind stimulating mental transformation and shows how acts of kindness and service toward one another create a ripple effect of exponential growth for the individual, within teams and ultimately your entire organization.


Inspired by his own need to remove the remaining PTSD and anxiety that lingered from an abusive childhood, James developed a way to use service as a means to create neural pathways adjusting perspective and behavior. In a nationwide, year-long social experiment, James gave away his worldly possessions and served one person or family in each of the 50 states for three days at no charge, instead only asking that they Pay-It-Forward. By embracing the concept of giving so that others may give more -- James went from being riddled with anxiety to becoming deeply fulfilled and empowered with new skills to be happier and a higher performer.


Today, James has gone full circle and uses his transformative experience to help others in a variety of ways. In addition to being a unique keynote speaker, he is also a Structural Integration Therapist, creator of Beck Balance Wellness Workshops, speaker, author, and founder of Give Beck, teaching people how to transform relationships through kindness and service to others.


James now inspires crowds of all ages and professions, customizing the message to the needs of your audience. In addition to his TEDx Talk, he has worked with schools, universities, military groups, at-risk youth groups, Caroline Myss’ personal development conference, Anti-Human Trafficking organizations, The National Charity League, The Wealth Counsel, and the Navajo Nation. His project was featured on CBS, Fox News, and National Fox & Friends.


James Beck’s journey and vision of serving one another in our dizzying, fast-paced corporate culture is transforming lives and organizations.

Speaking Topics

Unlock The Power Of Kindness, Gratitude, And Paying-It-Forward: Experience The Inspiring Journey Of James Beck

Are you searching for a keynote presentation that will uplift, inspire, and transform your audience? Look no further. James Beck's incredible story of selfless service and the ripple effect of kindness will leave your attendees moved and motivated to make a positive impact in their own lives and communities.


Imagine a man who gave up everything he owned, embarked on a life-changing mission, and set out to serve someone in all 50 states. James Beck's social experiment ignited a remarkable domino effect of kindness, as he asked those he served to Pay-It-Forward. Witness the profound impact of this journey and learn how a "service mindset" can lead to true happiness and fulfillment in both personal and professional relationships.


James Beck's personal transformation and the stories of those he served will touch the hearts and minds of your audience. Through compelling narratives, impactful videos, and captivating visuals, you will witness the incredible ripple-effects of kindness and understand how one small act can change someone's destiny. Prepare to be inspired as you learn how to cultivate a service mindset, enhance your business culture, and build meaningful relationships in all areas of life. Discover the profound impact of serving others and how it can bring joy, resilience, and a positive attitude in the face of adversity.


From this keynote, you’ll learn to:

  • Shift your perspective, focusing less on yourself and your own problems, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Experience an increase in feel-good hormones, fostering happiness and a sense of purpose.
  • Overcome challenges with ease, armed with a healthy mindset and positive attitude.
  • Cultivate stronger relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and community.
  • Make a positive impact in the lives of others and create a lasting legacy.
  • Enhance your own longevity by embracing a life of kindness and service.


James’ remarkable story will  awaken the potential for greatness within your attendees and ignite a passion for making a difference in the world. James Beck is dedicated to empowering others to create positive change by harnessing the transformative power of kindness and service.


Key Speech Themes:

  • The Pay It Forward Journey to all 50 States in 1 Year
  • Why Happiness Leads to Innovation & Performance
  • The Ripple Effects of Kindness
  • Improve your Relationships
  • Create Meaningful connections
  • Make a Positive Impact
  • The Power of Kindness & Gratitude

James Beck's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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