
Guy Kawasaki

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Book Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki is an innovation keynote speaker, social media expert, chief evangelist of Canva, and the bestselling author of The Art of the Start. His entertaining and informative talks use insights from his time in the tech industry to show audiences how to create innovative services and products using tactical and practical techniques. He previously was Chief Evangelist at Apple and has also served as a brand ambassador for Mercedes Benz. Guy is from Honolulu, HI. 

Speaking Topics

The Art Of Remarkable Innovation

The Art of Innovation explains how to create innovative services and products using tactical and practical techniques. Guy uses examples from ice-making to telephony to digital photography to expose the truths of innovation. Key principles include jumping to the next curve, breaking down the barriers, thinking digitally, and acting analogically.

The Art Of Enchantment

The speech explains how organizations and individuals can change people’s hearts, minds, and actions. Enchantment was a New York Times bestseller.

The Art Of The Start

The speech about how to create a new company. It reflects the knowledge Guy has gained from Apple, starting multiple companies, working as a venture capitalist, and advising dozens of companies. His book by the same name is the de facto standard for books about entrepreneurship.


The Lessons Of Steve Jobs

Guy is one of the few people in the world who can credibly give this speech. He draws from his experience working for Steve and applies these lessons to business practices.

Your Remarkable Executive- Flipping The Table With Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki is on a mission to make you remarkable. Like he does in his wildly popular Remarkable People podcast, Guy will do the interviewing, but this time it’s with the executive/leader of your organization. And like only Guy can, he will bring out their remarkableness. For this highly interactive and customized session, Guy conducts research prior to the session, meets with the executive and other stakeholders, and then weaves a unique and personalized experience for the audience and company. Listen to him in action interviewing Jane Goodall, Amy Erett, Marc Benioff, and Marshall Goldsmith.  

Guy Kawasaki's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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