
Gemma Munro

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Dr Gemma Munro is an uplifting and award-winning speaker, facilitator, and coach with a PhD in performance psychology and a knack for sparking rapid and easeful change. Known as the Alchemist at Work, Gemma specializes in the science and art of courage, transformation, and the creation of impossible dreams.


Gemma has ignited change in workplaces across the planet and inspired over 72,000 people worldwide. She has spoken to global and national audiences at Google, Amazon, Qantas, Vodafone, PayPal, and the NHS in London, and her keynote at Google headquarters in Silicon Valley was live-streamed to every Google office on the planet. She won the Duncan Trust Prize for speaking and is a two-time Telstra Businesswoman of the Year finalist. As a classically trained singer, Gemma has performed in Westminster Abbey, Radio City Music Hall, and, somewhat heart-stoppingly, to 53,000 screaming fans as a backing vocalist for the Rolling Stones.


Audience members call Gemma 'a human alarm clock', a lightning bolt of love, and an 'a witch who gets in people's heads and makes them think anything is possible.' She catalyzes immediate and sustained shifts in mindset, behaviors, and results. She is also known for provoking laughter, a-ha moments, and gentle wake-up calls that motivate people to make the changes they need to make (even if they're scared of change, tired of uncertainty, and gold-medal-winning procrastinators).


Gemma co-founded Inkling Group and founded Inkling Women, known for its work across Australia, Asia, and the UK in rapidly increasing the percentage of women at the leadership level. Before that, she was a tremendously severe management consultant and a recovering academic, having completed her PhD at a relatively young and impressionable age. Gemma is passionate about forging a wild new way of working - where work feels like play, life feels in flow, and exhaustion and overwhelm are past things. She lives on five acres in Australia's Adelaide Hills with her fiancé and their exceptionally loving, sometimes exhausting, and usually hungry blended tribe of three children, forty kookaburras, and a farm dog called Lucie.

Speaking Topics

The Science & Art of Rapid Transformation: How to create immediate and sustained change in a way that feels easy and enjoyable

At some point in your life, you've probably found yourself wanting to change but unable to make the change last. It's as if you have one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake. It's wildly frustrating, isn't it? Welcome to being human. The exciting news is that there is a way around our seemingly unsolvable tendency to self-sabotage when making change. There is a way to transform immediately, sustainably, and even enjoyably. In this keynote and masterclass, Dr Gemma Munro teaches the science and art of rapid transformation. You will learn how to get clear on the changes you want and then get out of your way. You'll learn to move past fears and doubts and feel confident and empowered to make the changes you need to make. And the best news: whether you want to transform your mindset, habits, behaviors, beliefs, or results, you'll leave with a tool to do this rapidly and efficiently, over and over again.

The Courage To Connect: How to create connection and belonging in the workplace (even when you're crazy-busy and even when you don't want to)

This customizable keynote and/or workshop is for anyone who has ever felt clumsy when connecting with other humans, put off having uncomfortable conversations, experienced unwanted flashbacks + hot-faced waves of shame after an awkward interaction, or worried about what others think of them. If you have experienced any or all of these, then congratulations! You are human, and this session is for you. This session is also for the people who have ever rolled their eyes at the necessity of learning the ‘'oft skills of connecting with other humans. Because creating connection and belonging is not a soft skill, it is the hardest, most essential skill of them all. It takes courage and know-how and the courage to admit that you don't know everything. It takes intuition, empathy, and a tolerance for discomfort. It takes ALL of you – your head and your heart. This is why we avoid it like the plague. This is why we get to work and wish we owned an invisibility cloak. This is why we suddenly need the bathroom at networking events. This is why we don't have the conversations we know we need to have. In this program, Dr Gemma will take you on an entertaining journey to help you create connection and belonging – even when you're busy and even if you're shy. You'll learn how to create your tribe: the people who strengthen you, call you out, lift you up, bring you home, cheer you on, and hold you accountable for being the person you were always meant to be.

A Wild New Way of Working: Where work feels like play, and wellbeing is a daily reality

Wake up, feel tired, drink coffee, look at calendar, feel even more tired, check emails, feel overwhelmed, drink more coffee, attend a meeting, attend a meeting, put out a fire, attend a meeting, check emails, answer 3 of 78 new emails, deal with a people issue that could be an opportunity but just feels like another fire to put out, receive an email that means that ttomorrow'splan is now out the window, feel exhausted, attend a meeting, look at missed calls, roll eyes, attend a meeting, play phone tag, eat sugar, feel overwhelmed, scroll phone, get home, drink wine, deal with loved ones, drink more wine, watch Netflix, go to bed, scroll phone, sleep fitfully, wake up tired, check email … then rinse, lather & repeat the next day. It's time to move away from the tired old approaches to work. It's time to stop feeling exhausted, aimless, and inauthentic. It's time to get off the hamster wheel of stress and being overwhelmed. It's time to start. Listening to the small, still voice within that telling you there must be a different way. The old paradigm of how we work is in need of an overhaul. Most of us are overwhelmed, over-tired, and over it. In this keynote (which can also be run as a workshop), Dr Gemma Munro paints a new and very doable paradigm: one that involves flowing, not forcing, creating, not conforming, playing, not working, and plugging yourself in, not wearing yourself down. She shares the two main shifts to create a wild new way of working and provides clear action steps under each shift. You'll leave feeling re-energized, empowered, and inspired to change how you go about your work

Gemma Munro's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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Dr Gemma’s performance as our host and keynote for PeopleCon will be remembered for years to come. It has been called by some of our guests one of the “best events they have ever attended."

Could there be a more enthusiastic, humorous, insightful, and energetic speaker? Gemma has the skills to guide you through the most challenging areas with just the right blend of nudging and support. She makes it fun!

Funny, authentic, and honest – a fantastic leader and role model. I loved the real-life examples and backed-up research facts. Few people present thoughts and ideas as openly and relevantly as Gemma does. She is charismatic and relatable.”