
Drew Dudley

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Book Drew Dudley

Called ‘one of the most inspirational TED speakers in the world,’ Drew Dudley is on a mission to redefine leadership. With more than six million views, his TED talk “Everyday Leadership (The Lollipop Moment)” proved that leadership is not a characteristic of an elite few, but one that lives within us all. Through his high-energy talks, Dudley shares practical and actionable insights on creating cultures of leadership that lead to higher levels of pride, productivity, happiness, and retention. He empowers audiences and equips them with the tools needed to make a difference at home, at work, and in their communities.


Dudley is the founder and Chief Catalyst of Day One Leadership, where he has helped organizations around the world increase their leadership capacity. His clients have included such dynamic companies as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Proctor & Gamble, McDonald’s, JP Morgan Chase, and more than 100 colleges and universities. Before founding Day One, Dudley spent eight years as the head of one of Canada’s largest leadership development programs at the University of Toronto and served as a national chair of one of Canada’s largest youth charities, which mobilized 35,000 volunteers to raise 1 million dollars annually in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada.


Dudley’s passion for personal leadership has inspired millions of people worldwide to embrace the belief that leadership is something that we all can and should aspire to. He has been featured in The Huffington Post, Radio America,, and, where his talk was voted “one of the 15 most inspirational TED talks of all time”. TIME, Business Insider, and Inc. magazines have all named his talk one of their “10 speeches that will make you a better leader.” A bestselling author, Dudley’s book This is Day One: A Practical Guide to Leadership That Matters debuted at #6 on The Wall Street Journal bestseller List and has gone on to become a Los Angeles Times and Toronto Star best-seller.

Speaking Topics

The Leadership Test: A Roadmap To Impact

In this presentation, Drew introduces audiences to a system of accountability called The Leadership Test that drives engagement and empowers employees to be more productive and impactful in all facets of their lives and careers.

Rooted in behavioral psychology, audiences will discover how to make decisions aligned with their values by surfacing and operationalizing the behaviors that they want to define them as leaders and creating action-driving questions to motivate action in the pursuit of those behaviors.

Sharing insights from leaders of all types – CEOS, elite athletes, can drivers, custodians, and everyone in between – this presentation will change the way you think about leadership in your life, workplace, and community,

This Is Day One: Creating Cultures Of Leadership

Targeted at “culture creators and enablers” within an organization, audiences will gain a clearer picture of how to use values and action-driving questions to make normally unconscious behaviors a more consistent part of their lives and careers. In doing so, they will be better equipped to engage with their lives and work in a more positive, meaningful, and impactful manner.

Honest, engaging, and above all useful, audiences will leave this presentation having gained clarity on how to lead with purpose and move the leadership narrative away from power and influence towards a more inclusive form centered upon who they are and how they behave.

The Game Has No Winners: Growth, Empowerment, & Leading Beyond On Economy Of Scarcity

In this presentation, Drew offers audiences’ strategies for fostering a culture of leadership based on care instead of toxicity.

Dispelling the notion that leadership is destined for those who are committed to outmaneuvering and outperforming their peers, Drew demonstrates that acting selflessly is the most effective way to foster loyalty amongst teams. Audiences will discover the value of being an ‘indispensable teammate’ in cultivating that commitment.

A practical lesson in how to create and sustain a culture of collaboration while striking the right balance between autonomy and accountability, this presentation is ideal If you’re seeking to demonstrate/reinforce the power of supporting others to add-value and achieve collective goals.

Self Respect: The Foundation Of Leadership

In this presentation, Drew offers audiences several simple yet transformative leadership strategies for cultivating resilience and psychological safety into their daily routines.

Through powerful stories that recognize the difficult parts of life and work with humour and compassion, audiences will discover how to close the gap between the person they are and the person they want to be without compromising their happiness, fulfillment, or work-life balance.

This presentation is a great addition to your agenda if you believe your audience could benefit from a reminder that they are not alone in their frustrations and fears and that taking care of themselves is an essential part of feeling engaged and connected every day.

Elevate Don't Escalate: Living With Class And Leading With Impact

In this presentation, Drew offers tips for addressing some of the most common sources of interpersonal conflict between people and teams.

These include a solution-focused approach to problem-solving; how to effectively address the role fear plays in conflict; and a simple trick for avoiding the most frustrating aspects of email communication. Each strategy reinforces the importance of elevating (seeking solutions) over escalating (attempting to win).

If you’ve ever sworn at your computer because of an email or find your fists balling up thinking about a co-worker, this presentation will be ideal for helping to save careers and relationships.

Courage: Leadership Impact In Action

In this presentation, Drew provides practical strategies for addressing the fear and restoring the productivity mentioned above.

He will discuss the fundamental differences between confidence and courage; share a process for systematically overcoming fear; and provide a decision-making framework that helps individuals stand by the decisions that scare them the most.

This presentation is an ideal choice if you’re looking to provide your audience with the insights necessary to make positive, momentum-building decisions when their instincts tell them to “wait and see.”

Drew Dudley's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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