
Dr. Srikumar Rao

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Book Dr. Srikumar Rao

DR. SRIKUMAR RAO is an elite coach who works with a select group of entrepreneurs, professionals, and senior executives who are already successful and are now ready to make a dent in the universe. They recognize that life is a spiritual journey and wish to imbue that understanding into every facet of their lives.

Millions of people have listened to Dr. Rao’s TED Talk and other recordings and attended his programs and workshops. He leads you into a rabbit hole, and you determine how far you want to go. You may wish to travel only a short distance and settle for a life in which you are much more successful, have better relationships, and enjoy more peace. Or you may wish to go all the way and reach what sages have called by many names, such as enlightenment, Nirvana, and awakening. Be aware that if you get there, there will be no you left to celebrate this.

The reason Dr. Rao’s approach is so effective is that he draws from the world’s greatest masters. They understood human dilemmas and came up with solutions that have been tested over millennia and proven to work. Dr. Rao is unique in his ability to convert these powerful teachings into exercises acceptable to intelligent people in a post-industrial society. This is why clients seek his sage counsel on both personal and professional matters. Coaching with Dr. Rao will make you exponentially more successful if you are diligent in your practice.

Dr. Rao holds a PhD from Columbia Business School, and his courses have been among the most popular and highest-rated at many of the world’s top business schools. His work has been covered extensively by major media worldwide. He is the author of Are You Ready to Succeed? Unconventional Strategies for Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and Life and Happiness at Work: Be Resilient, Motivated, and Successful—No Matter What. His latest book is Modern Wisdom, Ancient Roots: The Movers and Shakers' Guide to Unstoppable Success.

He is also the creator and narrator of the audio learning course The Personal Mastery Program: Discovering Passion and Purpose in Your Life and Work.

Speaking Topics

How To Be Happy

We all yearn for happiness. Everything we do – our quest for fame and fortune, for fulfilling relationships, our drive to build or change things – is in search of happiness. We may briefly achieve it. But suddenly it seems to vanish and we scurry off, seeking something that will bring it back to us. I will explain what really leads to happiness … … how to greatly increase the pure joy life offers … … and how to change the way we think and feel to do so.

How To Be Resilient

When things go wrong do you waste time in fruitless self-recrimination and blaming others? Do you go on pointless guilt trips and make excuses you know are fatuous?

We are all tempted to; and the solution is to become resilient. To cultivate your ability to recover from adversity. It is a vital skill. Leadership programs talk about its importance and how to cultivate it.

In this extraordinary presentation I reveal the secret of extreme resilience. A quality that enables you to recover so fast that an outsider would not realize you were laid low at all. You forget it yourself.

How To Completely, Totally, Utterly Eradicate Stress From Your Life

I have worked with thousands of executives and entrepreneurs all over the world. All felt stress. Yet few realize there’s a single cause. A yearning for the universe to behave the way you want. But it won’t cooperate.

It’s possible – in fact necessary – for you to relinquish your need to control. And in this presentation, I teach you several strategies to do this. Paradoxically, once you do so, the probability you’ll reach the outcome you want increases.

How To Be An Inspiring Leader

Whenever I ask a group who wants to be an inspiring leader there’s always a sea of raised arms. But wanting to be an inspiring leader is counter-productive. Digging down, it simply reflects your desire to have others do what you want.

Let me explain why becoming an inspiring leader is not an aspirational goal – it’s a by-product. You must be inspired by a grand vision. One that sees a greater good for a greater community. That calls you so strongly you’ll gladly devote a big chunk of your life to it.

When you are so inspired and communicate it, everyone you meet can’t help but be inspired by you. That is the secret to being an inspiring leader. But there is so much more I can tell you.

How To Effortlessly Build A Network Of Deep Long-Lasting Relationships

Contacts are essential. Every businessman, stockbroker, lawyer, lobbyist and politician knows it. Countless books, programs and seminars purport to show you how to network. But I don’t think you should cultivate people because of their position and help they might give you. I question its ethics and honesty. It’s not worth the enormous time you invest.

You need a system where you don’t build a network. Where when you need help, the person with what you need appears. What must you do to make this happen?

First, whatever you’re trying to accomplish must bring material and spiritual good to a larger community. And you must learn to let go – relinquish the need to be in control. When you have the right mix you’ll be amazed how locked doors mysteriously swing open. How – every time – the cavalry shows up to your rescue. Invite me to share practical steps with your team.

Dr. Srikumar Rao's Experiences


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I have been a top-performing Master Chair at Vistage International for over 20 years, having invited and assessed nearly 200 speakers in that time frame. As soon as I heard glowing endorsements about Dr. Rao from other high performing Chairs, I immediately asked him to come to my groups. Following those presentations, several Vistage members said Dr. Rao was one of the top few speakers they had heard in their ten plus years of meetings. After working as a group to practice his teachings, everyone couldn’t wait to implement his ideas into their lives and businesses. I can say that I personally was able to put both my business leadership and my marriage on a new plane overnight and this has changed my life forever.

We were fortunate to have Dr. Rao as our resource speaker for my Vistage CEO board meeting this month. While Dr. Rao is a well-known professor and speaker, he is new to Vistage, and what a wonderful addition. In his workshop, he invites us to examine our mindset and create a new reality and gives us practical tools for doing so. He received all 5’s from our members, rare for my group. I’ve seen all 5’s maybe half a dozen times in my 12 years as a Vistage Master Chair. One member with 15+ years said Dr. Rao was the best speaker he has had in Vistage. You can’t go wrong booking him for your team.

Dr. Rao's talk to my group was incredibly well received and I am very grateful to him. I gathered a group of my most important contacts consisting mainly of entrepreneurs, CEO's, VC's and corporate lawyers for a lunch to hear Dr. Rao speak. I can tell you the feedback I received was 100% positive. He had our whole group captivated from the beginning and held everyone's attention the whole time. His stories and method of communication were enthralling. Everyone said the hour flew by and they wanted more. He totally inspired my network and I know many people that attended are seeking an opportunity to hear and work with Dr. Rao. It was an incredible success and a home run in my effort to add value to my network. Thanks so much, Dr. Rao!

Dr. Srikumar Rao stands alone as a teacher, both to me and to the CEOs with whom I work. He offers the most thoughtful, most life-affirming teaching to the most effective business leaders — and lifts their performance and enjoyment in life to previously unimagined heights. He has done this for me and he has done this for CEOs who -- like me -- thought mastery had already been attained. With Dr. Rao's teaching, mastery is achieved at a new level. I see his gift in my CEO colleagues — and in their continuing decision to train with Dr. Rao in his programs in New York.

As the Learning Chair and Board Member of the Entrepreneurs' Organization Boston Chapter, I talk to dozens of speakers every year in planning out our calendar. Many sound the same, but Srikumar Rao came to me with a referral from an acquaintance that was such a strong endorsement, it was hard to take seriously. Dr. Rao saved this person from taking his life in a desperate period of his life. We booked Dr. Rao and he captivated the 100 or so entrepreneurs with his discussion of finding inner peace in a hectic world. He was funny, endearing and most of all, he left all of us with a perspective that will change our lives forever. Not to mention, he endured a hot, windy and noisy outdoor environment to deliver his message with a smile and grace. He's a gentleman and a scholar. As promised, he delivered the highest rated event of the year in Boston. Thank you, Dr. Rao.

Dear Dr. Rao, Thank you for the Keynote Speech you gave at the 28th International Montessori Congress, which was held 27-31 of July, 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Congress was attended by close to 1800 participants from 71 countries. We continue to receive emails and posts expressing immense thankfulness from many of the Congress participants who heard you speak. People feel inspired by you and they are thankful that they could hear you and learn from your wisdom and experience. They feel called to share your message with their colleagues back in their schools and also with families at home. It was a true honor for the Montessori movement that you came to our Congress. The work of changing the world to a better place starts with every single one of us. It is important that we are often reminded of this responsibility. Your talk meant a lot to the Montessori movement in this regard.

Dear Srikumar, Thank you for your amazing presence at the Congress. I hope you got safe and sound to your next destination, you are well, and feeling wonderful about your keynote speech. I wanted to let you know that we have received dozens and dozens of positive responses to your talk. People were so inspired by you and everyone was so thankful that they could hear you and learn from your wisdom and experience. It was a great honor for the Montessori movement that you came to our Congress. I am convinced that the work of changing the world to a better place starts with every single one of us, and I think it is important that we are often reminded of this responsibility. Your talk meant a lot to the Montessori movement in this regard.

My first exposure to Srikumar Rao changed my life. I had big ambitions and channeled them into rising in the corporate hierarchy of a US multinational company. His workshop opened me up to a different perspective where the ambition remained but was more calm and tethered to a deeper purpose. This directly led to the launching of my company and my present career path. I am more fulfilled now, personally and professionally, than I ever dreamed possible. I was an executive officer of the Young President’s Organization (YPO) in Prague and bought in Dr. Rao to conduct his workshop. It had such an impact that, years later, many members still remember and use the concepts he shared. Numerous executives, some at C-level, have confided to me that Dr. Rao’s programs are exceptionally powerful and engender a complete shift in consciousness. They are truly life-changing.

What a phenomenal presentation by Dr. Rao which will have significant impact on anyone fortunate enough to be in the room! Over the past couple of years, I have been on a personal journey to discover a “quiet” and “calm” place in my life after many years of a frenetic business career… A way to live a centered, yet successful, life. The good news, the bad news. The bad… I could have use these ideas and philosophy MANY years ago!! The good… at least I have them now to use for the balance of my life. Dr. Rao made a presentation to one of my Vistage peer groups in which all speakers are rated 1-5 on content, style and take-away value. His presentation was scored 5.0 across the board… a rare occurrence. Many of the members had spouses/significant others in the room who were also mesmerized by his message. If you are reading my accolades, do not hesitate to engage Dr. Rao for your organization or association. For me, my fiancée and I are considering his Creativity and Personal Mastery training as a next step on our personal journey!

Dear Srikumar, I want to personally thank you for presenting one of the most impactful and meaningful presentations I’ve experienced. Your participation in the Entrepreneur’s Organization Boston Chapter Kick-Off event made it extra special. We surveyed the audience post event and participants commented on how meaningful your content was on a very personal level. The ideas presented allowed for an expansion of the possibilities available for each of them. Even with the challenges encountered with the venue; noise level, interruptions etc; you continued on and gave everyone present exactly what they were there to receive – access to a new way of living, of being. Thank you again for creating a life changing event for EO Boston. I would, without reservation, recommend your program for any individual or group looking to have a truly life changing moment.

I first met Dr. Rao at the 2016 Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO) Global Leadership Conference in San Diego where he was the highest rated speaker. His message was so meaningful, we brought him to Portland for our EO Chapter Retreat, where he again gave us a new perspective by which to view our work and personal lives. In fact, it was such a valuable workshop, two of us brought him back for a full day workshop with our senior management teams. Although a little skeptical beforehand, many of my executives report feeling less stress and are more engaged with their work. He covered a lot of material, but it was very interactive. The tools they have learned, and the language we all share now, have been a big benefit to our company as we continue to grow. As both an EO and YPO member, I can say that Dr. Rao’s workshop is among the most valuable learning events you can attend.

Dr. Srikumar Rao spoke to the Long Island, NY chapter of YPO on February 24, 2016. It was an engaging and interactive talk focusing on the inner lives of entrepreneurs. He showed how personal mastery could lead to much greater success in both business and personal life. Dr. Rao was outstanding. Several YPO Gold members considered him to be one of the best speakers they had ever head. Some, who missed the talk, we so amazed at the reactions of those who attended that they reached out to him afterward. The principles, concepts and exercises that Dr. Rao shared can be life changing. Dr. Rao’s talk was an extraordinarily worthwhile event. And also a highly entertaining one.