
Desi Bartlett

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Book Desi Bartlett

Desi Bartlett, has been teaching health and wellness for over 25 years. She is a motivator and widely sought-after international presenter and spokesperson. Desi’s inspiring and unique classes have been featured on networks such as ABC, NBC, FOX, Univision, Hallmark, and Lifetime. She currently stars in 10 Yoga, Fitness, and Dance DVDs, including Better Belly Yoga, Latin Groove and Prenatal Yoga.In 2019 Desi co-created a round yoga mat that is safe for mothers, babies, and families. Desi is an internationally published author and in 2019 wrote a book with Human Kinetics titled, “Your Strong Sexy Pregnancy."

Desi Bartlett's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
I'm prepared to move to contract immediately if my offer is accepted.

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