
Daniel Newman

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Book Daniel Newman

Daniel Newman is a founding partner and Principal Analyst of Futurum Research and the CEO of Broadsuite Media Group.  Living his life at the intersection of people and technology, Daniel works with the world’s largest technology brands exploring Digital Transformation and how it is influencing the enterprise. From Big Data to IoT to Cloud Computing, Newman makes the connections between business, people, and tech that are required for companies to benefit most from their technology projects, which leads to his ideas regularly being cited on CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Barrons, Business Insider and hundreds of other leading business outlets around the world. 


Daniel is ranked in the Top 5 out of more than 8,000 technology analysts worldwide according to ARInsights, including multiple extended periods where he ranked #1. A 7x Best-Selling Author including his most recent Human/Machine. Daniel is also a Forbes and MarketWatch (Dow Jones) contributor. MBA and Graduate Adjunct Professor, Daniel Newman is a Chicago Native and his speaking takes him around the world each year as he shares his vision of the role technology will play in our future.

Speaking Topics

Human / Machine: The Future Of Our Partnership With Machines

Will the workplace of the future be overrun by machines and robots? Are the new frontiers of artificial intelligence (AI) on the cusp of dethroning us in efficiency, intelligence, and innovative potential? Automation and AI will augment our human world and potential. The winners of the future of work are those who harness the power of machines to their advantage. Human/Machine is the only guide you need to understand the fourth industrial revolution. It sets out a road map to the challenges ahead but also unlocks the wondrous opportunities that it offers.

Human/Machine explores how we will work symbiotically with machines, detailing how institutions, companies, individuals, and education providers will evolve to integrate seamlessly with new technologies. With exclusive case studies, this book offers a glimpse into the future and details how top companies are already thriving on this very special relationship. From gamification in job training to project management teams integrated with bots and predictive technologies that fix problems in the supply chain before they happen, the authors deliver a powerful manifesto for the adoption and celebration of automation and AI. In a much more fluid, skills-based economy, we will all need to prove our worth and future-proof our skills base. This book offers a blueprint to avoid being left behind and unearths the opportunities unique to human-machine partnership ecosystems.

Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends In Financial Services

Any time money is involved, there will always be intense interest on the part of venture capitalists, corporations, and investors. Daniel Newman, best-selling author of Building Dragons: Digital Transformation in the Experience Economy, will discuss the changes we’ve seen thus far are nothing compared to what the future holds. Find out why these five digital transformation trends affect the financial services sector and what you can do to protect your clients.


Learn the digital transformation secrets of the world’s most enduring companies: Find out what they do to build stability in times of constant change, and most importantly, how they make their business “Futureproof.”


More than ever before, well-established companies are succumbing to wave after wave of disruption from new entrants, new technologies, and new customer expectations. Companies like Kodak, Blockbuster Video, and Xerox weren’t able to cope with the pace and scope of disruption, and now they’re all but gone. No business leader wants to be next. The pressure is on to adapt. As organizations begin to cope with the realization that digital transformation is the key to their survival in the age of technology-driven business, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that digital transformation is merely a technology investment play. It isn’t.


There is a larger operational vision at play here, and the world’s most adaptable companies have already figured out what it is. Broken down into its core components, it consists of 7 operational pillars that help organizations accelerate digital transformation, manage change, and turn disruption into a tireless engine of opportunity.


In this presentation, you will learn:

  • 7 futureproofing pillars that drive a digitally-transformed enterprise.
  • Why companies that focus on experience design are so much more successful than those that don’t?
  • How to recruit, develop, and motivate the workforce of the future.
  • Why the world’s most successful companies have learned to put change at the heart of their business model.
  • How stalled organizations can unlock their innovation potential and become game-changers in their own right.
  • Why data-driven mindsets win and how that affects your technology investment strategy.
  • Why culture is the most important building block of a future-proof business, and how you can shape yours.

Building Dragons: Digital Transformation In The Experience Economy

Learn to transform your business into a dragon: an agile company fit to adapt, innovate and thrive even in disruptive times. Unlike unicorns, which, for all their popularity, tend to rely on risky and experimental business models, dragons have established companies that continue to leverage their original startup mentality to systematically innovate their way to profitability. What makes dragons so much more interesting to executives than unicorns is that they are not built merely on potential and popularity, but on purposeful reinvention, scalable market dominance, and a commitment to long-term success. Maybe the best part about the dragon model is that equipped with the right roadmap and the right set of tools, any business can learn to become more agile and transform itself into a dragon.


In this presentation, you will learn:

  • How dragons turn emerging market trends into transformative business opportunities.
  • How experiences have become as important to consumers as goods and services.
  • What key technologies every business must adopt to remain competitive?
  • What digital transformation is, and what it means to your business.
  • The role that leadership plays in driving culture change and digital transformation.
  • How to teach your organization to adapt to change and evolve faster than it ever has.
  • How to not only adapt to disruption but turn it into a profitable business model.

Business Risk And The Importance Of Adaptability In The digital Age

Companies like Kodak and Blockbuster never saw the writing on the wall. As the incumbents, they believed that their business model was infallible. Suddenly, they were chasing the competition right up until their demise. Find out why taking risks and building a fast-changing adaptable culture is key to succeeding in the age of disruption.

Daniel Newman's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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“Amazing, dynamic, engaging – in a recent thought provoking presentation to our channel leaders about Omni-Channel experiences, Daniel Newman captured our attention and left us wanting more.”

“With his great energy and passion, Daniel brought a tough crowd to life and helped our audience see what is possible with his perspectives on digital marketing, social business, and the future of work. We know we can count on Daniel to educate and inspire our members.”

“It was an absolute breath of fresh air to have Daniel present to our members. His knowledge of the topic far exceeded our expectations and his engagement level with our audience made him one of our favourite keynote presenters.”

“Charming, witty and funny were all over our attendee feedback following Daniel’s keynote at our Midwest Social Media event. As our closing keynote Daniel brought great energy and practical knowledge that left our attendees excited and inspired for our future events”

“It takes a very dynamic individual to step in and truly engage a tough audience – Daniel Newman does this without missing a beat. His natural ability to translate complex ideas into simple terms and provide actionable tips makes him an invaluable asset.”