
Dan Shuart

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Book Dan Shuart

Dan is a senior technologist, futurist, executive leader, and popular public speaker. With 40 years of experience in the technology industry from IPO to fortune 100 companies, Dan has led many innovation and transformation initiatives over the years. He has been a podcast guest and guest blogger for Salesforce and Amazon. He was also a guest on ABC’s Rise and Shine talking about how small companies can use basic analytics to increase sales success. In Dan’s own Digital Dan High Beam Podcast, he shares his insights and lessons learned from a long career through the most dynamic era of digital advancement, which makes for an enjoyable, engaging, and informative experience for any audience.


Dan’s story telling spans his work with Amazon, his experiences in Silicon Valley during the “Dot Com Boom”, and his work at the world’s largest company at the time - Exxon. His career has led to some unique engagements such as his research in the ability of service dogs to use Alexa, his volunteer work with prison inmates on technology skills development, working with a Senate Subcommittee and Air Traffic Controllers in the control towers on technology improvements for flight safety, and working with Executive Producers as technology advisor at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank California.


Dan is a returning speaker at events because of his ability to naturally engage, inform, and entertain audiences. “We need to get Dan back again to talk about AI Coworking”, said the Board of Directors for the California Joint Powers Association (2023).


Dan’s 40-year career includes experience in all aspects of technology from developer to telecom with work in multiple industries such as insurance, finance, Hi-tech, manufacturing, higher ed, and entertainment. He has held executive leadership positions as CIO, VP, and AVP.


Dan has a degree in Geology with a minor in Mathematics and Computer Science. He holds a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Masters Certification from Wake Forest, is an Achieve Global Certified Facilitator, as well as a certified Futurist.

Speaking Topics

Meet Your AI Coworker: Creating An AI Strategy For Professional And Organizational Growth

Currently, this is by far the most popular speech. The rapidly evolving work landscape necessitates that companies and professionals adapt and anticipate future digital trends, like AI. Embracing AI and intelligent automation instead of fearing it is key to successfully navigating the future that is upon us. By building a State-of-the-Art Digital Strategy, companies and individuals can stay ahead of the curve, seize new opportunities, and thrive in the quickly evolving world of AI.


Learning Objectives:


  • How will AI affect the work environment in the near term and going forward?
  • 10 Steps to not only surviving but thriving in an AI world.
  • How and why organizations need to quickly pivot on how they manage change.
  • How to build an AI strategy for your professional growth.
  • How organizations need to develop a comprehensive AI strategy.

The New Leader: A Path To Digital Leadership And Re-Thinking Change Management

Now more than ever before, effective digital leadership and motivating the workforce are essential for driving employee engagement, performance, and organizational success. Companies seek guidance on digital strategies, inspirational approaches, and motivational techniques to empower their workforce to embrace new digital solutions and cultivate a high- performing workforce.


Learning Objectives:


  • What is the new state-of-change in organizations?
  • How organizational change and change leadership has drastically evolved over the last 2 years.
  • What does digital leadership mean to you and how you can develop the skills to compete, regardless of your title.
  • How to inspire employees to adapt and thrive in this new digital world.

Customer Engagement: Bots, Ai, And The Human Factor

Exceptional customer experience is a key differentiator in today’s competitive market. Companies that prioritize understanding and meeting customer needs, delivering personalized experiences, and ensuring seamless interactions across various channels gain customer loyalty, retention, and positive brand perception.


Learning Objectives:


  • What are bots and how they now play an even larger role in customer engagement an digital marketing.
  • How will AI and Humans work together to deliver the ultimate customer experience?
  • How to decide how much human and how much automation you want in handling customer engagement.
  • What is the future of the customer?

AI Enablement: A Practical Approach To Gaining A Competitive Advantage With Cost Effective AI Enabled Tools.

AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, streamline operations, and enhance decision-making. Companies need to understand the implications, opportunities, and risks associated with adopting solutions. But what does that all mean and how can you start using these tools in a practical and cost-effective way?


Learning Objectives:


  • When is AI a good option and when is it not?
  • Assessing your current AI capabilities (yes, you have some already).
  • The most cost-effective approach to AI.
  • The most expensive approach to AI.
  • How to measure success, manage change, and engage the organization.

Dan Shuart's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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