Craig Lipset is a recognized leader at the forefront of innovation in clinical research and medicine development. For over 20 years Craig has been leading the transformation of clinical trials, pioneering new approaches to bring research closer to patients and accelerate new cures with leading-edge technology.
Craig brings 360 degrees of perspective to the future of medicine development – as an industry insider, a trial innovator, a technologist, and a patient advocate. As Founder of Clinical Innovation Partners, Craig is a growth advisor to technology and biopharmaceutical companies, leading universities, and the venture community seeking to develop and implement innovative solutions for clinical research. He supports these organizations as a retained advisor, Advisory Board member, and member of the Board of Directors. Craig is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Decentralized Trials & Research Alliance, the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to the adoption of more accessible clinical research participation. He serves on the Board of Directors as Vice President for the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research and as Vice Chair for the MedStar Health Research Institute, as well as on the Editorial Board for Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. Craig is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Health Informatics at Rutgers University, and an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Rochester Center for Health + Technology.
For nearly a decade Craig was the Head of Clinical Innovation at Pfizer, leading digital initiatives, patient engagement and collaborations across all therapeutic areas around the globe. During that tenure he launched multiple “industry firsts” -- from the first fully remote/virtual clinical trial for a new medicine to the first return of results and data to research participants. He served on the founding Operations Committee for TransCelerate Biopharma, and on the founding management teams for two successful startup ventures (Perceptive Informatics and Adnexus Therapeutics). Craig has been listed among the PharmaVOICE most inspiring people in the life sciences (Red Jacket hall-of-fame), Pharmaceutical Executive’s Emerging Leaders, CenterWatch Top 20 Innovators in Clinical Trials, and the AlleyWatch Who's Who in eHealth.