
Clara Durodie

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Book Clara Durodie

Clara Durodié is a technology strategist specializing in the business and governance of artificial intelligence (AI) in financial services. She is internationally recognized for her expertise, advising Boards of leading financial institutions, think-tanks, governments, and academia. She also mentors AI startups on governance, funding and growth strategy. She is consistently named on numerous global lists of leading women in fintech, and was the Chair of the Non-Executive Directors Board’s special committee on Best Practice for AI Adoption (UK) and a member of IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (USA).


Clara is a frequent presenter at leading conferences around the globe, including SIBOS, Money 2020, Innovate Finance Global Summit, AI World and at London Business School where she addressed an audience from leading universities around the world such as Harvard, Stanford, MIT and Cambridge. She has been invited as guest lecturer by leading universities like the University of Oxford’s Executive MBA. London Business School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Clara was also invited to teach at the Oxford Artificial Intelligence course, organised by the University of Oxford.


Clara is the author of the highly acclaimed Decoding AI in Financial Services - Business Implications for Boards and Professionals, which was the first guidebook on AI in financial services for C-level Boards and decision-makers. The book's Japanese translation will be published in Japan in 2021. Clara also writes the DecodingAI® Newsletter, a popular weekly digital publication that examines the business and governance of AI in financial services.


Clara is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (UK), has a Certificate in Investment Management (UK), and holds a Master’s degree from the University of Oxford.

Clara Durodie's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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