
Carlos Piera Serra

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Book Carlos Piera Serra

Happiness, passion + purpose, and company culture have been a part of Carlos’ journey from the beginning. Carlos decided to dedicate his life to making people happy after one life-changing trip, sailing across the Atlantic with a few close friends and family members. Throughout the journey, he took time to learn about himself by reading great books, enjoying meaningful conversations, and simply staring at the brilliance of the stars. When this trip was over, he took his mission to India, where he felt happiness could make the most impact and combined volunteer work with human resource consulting. This work led him to more deeply consider what determined happiness from one person to another? And how could he make a difference?


Answering that question led Carlos to Grupo CMR, one of the first HR consulting firms in Spain. Carlos helped grow the company as a Sales Consultant Innovator, a role in which he created and implemented several customer service, sales, and leadership development projects. Driven by his joint passions for personal and organizational happiness and success, Carlos began collaborating with Delivering Happiness, quickly becoming a vital member of the community. In 2011, he joined the DH team and helped create our foundational Make Happy Work (TM) model.

Speaking Topics

Culture is an Animal

Bring meaning and insight into your organization’s culture and increase overall awareness in a fun and vibrant session.

Key Takeaways

  • Use animal and car totems to peek behind conscious notions of the current and ideal culture
  • Elicit qualities and build a vibrant image of the ideal culture for the organization
  • Collaborate in small teams to build action items and present findings with real value

Culture of Happiness Levers

Start your team down the path to profits, passion, and purpose using the Delivering Happiness model.


Key Takeaways

  • Choose a bonding and meaningful experience in Progress, Control, and/or Connectedness
  • Understand how the levers influence motivation and culture
  • Practice the implementation of a Culture Action Plan

Purpose in Action

 Why does higher purpose matter for your organization? Imagine what your company would be like if every employee identified their purpose and brought it to work.


Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to TAP into personal higher purpose through Talent, Anger, and Passion
  • Understand the link between personal and organizational purpose and the role they play in business success
  • Inspire your employees to align their personal purpose with your company’s mission

Core Values that Matter

Individual and organizational core values are the cornerstone of your company culture.


Key Takeaways

  • Take the first step to happiness at work: uncover your top three personal values and how to live them
  • Experience the core values development process in a fun and meaningful exercise that results in a set of shared values
  • Understand Zappos’ 10 steps for a valuesdriven culture, and the impact of alignment

WOW Customer Service

How can your ideal culture lead to an enhanced experience for your customers?


Key Takeaways

  • Discover the value of embedding customer service into your company culture
  • Understand the core tenets and benefits of focusing on a WOW customer experience
  • Use Zappos-based tools and techniques to develop your own unique, WOW experience

Measuring Happiness

Defining, measuring, and benchmarking critical elements of your culture is a key driver for overall success.


Key Takeaways

  • Take the Happiness at Work survey and review results collaboratively
  • Understand how assessment tools that prioritize values as Key Performance Indicators can drive your culture
  • Explore the Delivering Happiness roadmap to move beyond your results and empower every employee as a culture leader

Carlos Piera Serra's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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Carlos is sharp, short, straight to the point and meaningful!

Honestly, Carlos conference was a surprise because at the beginning I was skeptical but after the conference I really felt that the idea behind was something unique and authentic that helps companies to improve and grow.

Carlos managed to speak from the emotions awakening the public there present and giving us many small tools that I personally have made a conscious bring up some aspects of improving my day to day and how to transform them into positive. highly recommended.

  • What is your favorite quote? Everything seems impossible until its done (Nelson Mandela)
  • Are there any moments that stand out as having a significant impact on your career? Covid helped me grow as a leader, understanding tough decisions we have to make, that not everyone will understand, making me experience the loneliness of a leader being in peace with myself
  • Outside of your profession do you have any hobbies/interests? I love the snow (skiing), the ocean (sailing) and playing squash.
  • Who do you look up to as a mentor and why? I feel everyone you encounter in your path can be a mentor if you are humble enough to look past the tension and focus on the learning.