Caprice Coleman is a man of many talents and experiences. He is a devout Christian who was called to preach at the age of 14. A professional wrestling fan since the age of 3 and turned that passion into a professional career he began training for at the age of 18. Coleman has transformed himself from the smallest person in his school class and bullying victim into “The Ageless One” his nickname in the wrestling world for his exceptional physique, fitness level, and athleticism. Coleman has lived abroad and while there helped many military members pass their physical training as well as serving as a youth pastor and associate pastor while pursuing his wrestling dream. His life covers a gamut of things: Motivational Speaking, Fitness, Religion, Family, Talent Development, Talk Show Host, and Analyst. Coleman is a man of exposure, experience, and discipline. Coleman is the father of two children and has been married for 18 years. He and his family reside in Charlotte, North Carolina.