
Calum Chace

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Book Calum Chace

Calum is a sought-after keynote speaker and best-selling writer on artificial intelligence. He focuses on the medium- and long-term impact of AI on all of us, our societies and our economies. He advises companies and governments on AI policy, and co-hosts the London Futurists Podcast.


His non-fiction books on AI are Surviving AI, about superintelligence, and The Economic Singularity, about the future of jobs. Both are now in their third editions.


He also wrote Pandora's Brain and Pandora’s Oracle, a pair of techno-thrillers about the first superintelligence. He is a regular contributor to magazines, newspapers, and radio.


In the last decade, Calum has given over 150 talks in 20 countries on six continents. Videos of his talks, and lots of other materials are available at 


He is co-founder of a think tank focused on the future of jobs, called the Economic Singularity Foundation. The Foundation has published Stories from 2045, a collection of short stories written by its members.

Before becoming a full-time writer and speaker, Calum had a 30-year career in journalism and in business, as a marketer, a strategy consultant and a CEO. He studied philosophy, politics, and economics at Oxford University, which confirmed his suspicion that science fiction is actually philosophy in fancy dress.


Speaking Topics:

  • Our Future with AI
  • The Future of Jobs
  • Surviving and Thriving in Digital Disruption
  • AI and Education
  • AI and Healthcare
  • The Metaverse

Calum Chace's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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“An amazing keynote! We’re going to be talking about what you said for a long time to come.”

“Your talk was the highlight of the conference, and I loved the way you handled the panel session.”

“Thank you so much for a wonderful session. It was truly insightful!”

“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for today! We had some great feedback on the event, and everyone really enjoyed your keynote.”

“The event went very well and we received great feedback.”

“Thank you for your wonderful participation in AI to Peace. I’m truly humbled to have worked alongside you. Your contribution was inspiring.”

“An absolutely outstanding presentation. I’m so glad I was able to attend.”

“It was fantastic! Lots of great feedback – thank you!”

“For our 2021 P&G Personal Development week we invited Calum to give a talk on why digital is an important aspect during these days. It was great! The senior people all stayed to the end. That almost never happens! He is a truly exceptional guest speaker. He has such charisma and at the same time humility. Calum’s focus on the power of Digitalization has never been more relevant than now. He provided such great insight and examples on where the future may bring , how and why we need to adjust to the technological wave that is coming. We were talking about him hours after his presentation and what a superb speaker he was – I couldn’t recommend him enough.”

“The content was amazing and very thought provoking and leaves me very enthusiastic about the future.”

“Insightful, spellbinding and mind expanding lecture … which provoked a fascinating Q&A session.”

“Calum stands out as one of the most insightful and entertaining speakers we have ever hosted. His presentation prompted many enthusiastic and meaningful discussions long after the event was over, which was exactly what we were aiming for!”

“I would like to thank you very much for helping us onboard Calum for the R&D Leaders Summit last week in Munich. His presence was really impactful: his speech brought out-of-the-box perspective to the industrial heads of R&D and the discussions have been fruitful between this group of peers.”

“Your keynote was one of the highlights of our conference. It helped our audience to make sense of AI in a practical way. It was particularly helpful to make a controversial and complex topic easy to comprehend for a diverse audience. Thank you, Calum! We look forward to working together in the near future.”

“Calum was good, and people enjoyed his speech. There was a lively discussion afterwards, which continued into the evening. It achieved what we wanted. He was also very good to deal with beforehand, and seemed well prepared”

“Excellent talk which provided much food for thought … One of the best talks we have ever had.”

“Calum was one of ICT Spring’s guest speakers. His expertise and his accessibility were highly appreciated, as was the debate he generated following his intervention. We thank him very much for his valuable contribution and highly recommend him for future conferences.”

“I deeply enjoyed your panel at Paris Fintech Forum!”

“We have had great feedback from all on the event.”

“The presenter stuck to his timing and was entertaining. The talk was enthralling and much appreciated by the attentive audience.”

“It was a pleasure to listen to your speech yesterday at the Ambrosetti event in Milan.”

“The powerpoint was excellent and the speaker was awesome … very interesting and enlightening.”

“Ticked all the right boxes. Some say it was our best leaders’ event yet! Insightful and thought -provoking.”

“Calum was very engaging – his talk is fascinating and the guests at our event enjoyed it enormously.”

“Insightful, spellbinding and mind expanding lecture … which provoked a fascinating Q&A session.”

“Thanks so much once again for speaking at the Bank last night. It was such an interesting and thought provoking evening – the feedback from those who attended has been excellent.”

“The event went very well and your contribution went down excellently. Thank you.”

“Thank you again enormously for taking part at such relatively short notice. I think it is fair to say that the event was, in every way, a resounding success.”

“Many thanks for a great presentation and proving such a great experience to our guests and our own people. We got great feedback, and continue to hear from people that came to the event that they found your talk enlightening.”

“The feedback we got from those attending was really excellent, both on the choice of topic and the engaging way the subject matter was presented.”

“Thank you very much for the presentation you gave – it was exciting, and generated a lot of conversation afterwards – which is always a good sign!”

“Your presentation was truly a great success! Everyone loved it. The participants were inspired.”

“I was very glad to work on this conference with you again. The moderation of the conference was perfectly prepared and run: thank you very much! And congratulations on your talk, which raised many discussions afterwards.”

“Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity to see Calum Chace speak about the societal impact of Artificial Intelligence in the future. Hands down, the most thought provoking presentation I’ve ever seen. It is a life changing perspective of things that you don’t have to be a technology geek to appreciate.”

“On behalf of the entire team, I would like to thank you for participating at EmTech France this year. Your talk was enjoyed by the audience and we heard amazing feedback!”

“He was absolutely fantastic! All the delegates gave very positive feedback on Calum’s contributions, and he added a great deal to the day, and not just in his allocated sessions. We really appreciated him staying around. We’d like to extend a huge big thank you to him. He was excellent.”

“What a fascinating presentation that was – thank you. There has been a real buzz in the sixth form centre in the last couple of days as the conversations about AGI continue.”

“Thank you for giving us such an inspirational keynote speech at our ethics and AI event last night. You managed to be accessible, challenging and hugely interesting all at the same time – quite an achievement!”

“Thank you so much for recommending Calum, he was perfect for our event, a really interesting presentation and all the delegates enjoyed listening to his views on Artificial Intelligence.”

“Calum went down very well, a fascinating and thought provoking presentation. Thank you.”

“Thank you so much for your presentation last night and for participating in a very interesting and lively panel discussion. I thought it worked really well, and all the feedback I had was very good indeed. I thought you set the context for the discussion really well and warmed up the audience to think more deeply about and around the topic.”

“Calum did a fantastic job engaging the whole audience and was very well received. The feedback on was absolutely spot on.”

“The lecture meet our expectations totally; the audience responded enthusiastically and we were very happy with Mr. Chace.”

“Awe-inspiring presentation.”

“Calum was great. Very positive comments from the shareholders in their feedback.”

“I invited Calum to London Business School to give a talk about about artificial intelligence, and its consequences for the business world. The presentation was really engaging, including not only possible impacts on the economy, but also potential solutions. Calum is a great speaker and has a deep understanding of AI, which allows him to present the matter in a completely new light.”