
Britt Frank

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Book Britt Frank

Britt Frank, LSCSW, SEP received her undergraduate degree from Duke University and her master’s degree from the University of Kansas, where she later became an award-winning adjunct professor. Britt is a licensed psychotherapist and human behavior expert who literally wrote the book on getting unstuck. The Science of Stuck, (Penguin Random House) is now available in 8 languages and has helped millions of people around the world break through what’s holding them back.


No matter how successful or high achieving, everyone knows what it’s like to feel stuck.


With her candor, humor, and practical approach, Britt quickly cuts through the cultural fluff with actionable tools to put you back in the driver’s seat of life. Whether she’s leading a workshop, presenting a keynote, or consulting with organizations, Britt’s work leaves clients with science-based tools to help their brains brain better. Because when your brain BRAINS better, your life gets better. 


Education and Certifications:

BA, Duke University

MSW, The University of Kansas

SEP (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner)

LSCSW- KS (Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker)

Level 3 IFS Trained (Internal Family Systems)

Award-winning adjunct faculty at the University of Kansas


Britt’s signature keynote is centered around her expertise in human behavior and is tailored for each of these audiences:  

Peak Performance


Mental Health

Speaking Topics

UNSTUCK: The Simple Science of Big Results

Ready to level up? Learn simple, science-backed tools to achieve peak performance.  And the best part? NO MOTIVATION REQUIRED. The secret sauce to building confidence, resilience, and a peak-performance mindset is aligning the relationship between the brain and body. When it’s time to suit up, show up, and get things done, an untrained mind will sabotage the situation. When you feel stuck, many people get hit with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or feelings of “why can’t I just do the thing?"


But here’s a shocking fact—you don’t need motivation to get unstuck. You don’t need to “just think positive" to overcome procrastination. You don’t need to spend 10 years in psychotherapy to level up your life.  In situations where split-second decisions make the difference between winning and losing, athletes must rely on a seamless alignment between the mind and body. But mind-body alignment isn’t just for athletes. High-performance in any arena- leading a team, launching a brand, building a life you love—requires the same strategy. 


Drawing upon groundbreaking research from her wildly popular book The Science of Stuck (Penguin Random House), licensed neuro-psychotherapist Britt Frank, LSCSW dismantles the myth of motivation— and leaves audiences with actionable, practical, science-backed tools to get unstuck from ANYTHING (no motivation required). With 40 million Americans reporting dissatisfaction, stress, burnout, and overwhelm, we need new solutions to help our brains brain better. Because when our brains brain better, our lives get better. 


Britt provides simple, neuroscience-backed tools that help your audience: 

  • Activate and sustain a peak performance mindset
  • Level up their personal and professional game
  • Cultivate resilience through uncertainty
  • Unleash momentum in ANY arena


In this high-energy and myth-busting talk, audience members will walk away with:

  • Science-backed tools to go from STUCK to SUCCESS: We often mistakenly think momentum requires motivation. It doesn’t. You don’t need to feel anything to shift everything. Three simple strategies are all that’s needed to unlock your brain’s potential.
  • The Secret to Training your Mind: Many of us were taught we needed to feel motivation to get moving. We learned WRONG. Britt’s surprising (and simple) science-backed strategies harness the relationship between the brain and body to unleash peak performance brain states.
  • The Power of the Micro-Yes: Britt’s single most popular tool can be used with everything from “why can’t I just send that email” procrastination to stress and burnout (and everything in between). On the spectrum of stuckness, micro-yesses work to quickly shift you from inertia to momentum.

The Science of Stuck: Lead Through Uncertainty with Confidence

 The future of work is human, leaders need to know how the human brain brains—and why we get stuck.  If you want to lead people confidently through uncertainty and disruption, you need neuroscience-based skills. Using Britt’s surprisingly simple, science-backed strategies, you’ll be able to help your team feel seen, heard, and empowered. 


If you’re feeling stuck with how to shift to the next level, then join Britt for a fast-moving ride where science meets leadership— and where you’ll learn how to unlock more collaboration, innovation, and creative power in yourself and your team.  


Audiences will walk away with:

  • Practical, easy to implement tools to shift yourself (and your clients, colleagues, and direct reports) from emotional brain to logic brain.
  • How to talk so your team will listen— and how to listen so your team feels heard.  No therapizing required.
  • Brain hacks to up level your decision making capacity
  • Why you don’t want more feelings and empathy in the workplace— and what to do instead.


With these new tools, you’ll be able to:

  • Instantly build trust with Britt’s “How to Listen” Scripts: You don’t need to be a therapist to be a skillful listener. Learn the pro tips that help people feel seen, heard, and valued. 
  • Make Meetings Twice as Productive in Half the Time: With a few simple brain-based tricks, you can maximize efficiency and outcomes in meetings. 
  • Cope with Workplace Stressors: Life isn’t easy, but the tools to manage stress, overwhelm, and burnout are simple.
  • Learn the Power of the Micro-Yes: Britt’s single most popular tool can be used with everything from “why can’t I just send that email” procrastination to stress and burnout (and everything in between). On the spectrum of stuckness, micro-yesses work to quickly shift you from inertia to momentum.

The Science of Stuck: Break Through What’s Holding You Back

With 40 million Americans reporting dissatisfaction, stress, burnout, and overwhelm, we need new solutions to help our brains BRAIN BETTER. Because when our brains brain better, our lives get better. When you understand how to activate your brain’s capacity for choice, you can get unstuck from anything. We all experience stuckness in our lives—in our relationships, careers, our bodies, habits, and more. We know what we’re supposed to do to move forward, but there always seems to be something blocking the way.   


Human behavior expert (and recovering human disaster) Britt Frank, is a licensed neuropsychotherapist who literally wrote the book on being stuck. The Science of Stuck (Penguin Random House) was named by Forbes, NPR, SHRM, New York Magazine, and Esquire as a must-read and Britt is a contributing columnist to Psychology Today.


Using a potent mix of science-based strategies and stories from her shocking personal journey through addiction and anxiety, Britt quickly cuts through the noise with practical tools you can use today. Britt’s intention is for your audience to walk away with an actionable, science-based plan to break through stagnation and ignite growth—starting now. 


After listening to this high-energy and value packed keynote, audiences will:


  • Discover the 3 Steps to Unstuck: With no therapizing, no trauma-dumping, and no drain on your energy, you can use Britt’s signature process to get yourself moving immediately.   
  • Learn to Harness the Power of Anxiety: Anxiety isn’t what you think it is. Learn how to make anxiety work for you (and why we need it). 
  • Identify the #1 daily habit to eliminate procrastination: When you know how to decode your brain, you can overcome bad habits and create new ones. . 
  • Learn to Cope with Workplace Stressors: Life isn’t easy, but the tools to manage stress, overwhelm, and burnout are simple.
  • Learn The Power of the Micro-Yes: Britt’s single most popular tool can be used with everything from “why can’t I just send that email” procrastination to stress and burnout (and everything in between). On the spectrum of stuckness, micro-yesses work to quickly shift you from inertia to momentum.


When you get unstuck, life gets better.

Britt Frank's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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“Was an absolute delight listening to Britt Frank speak in person. Not only is her passion heard through her voice that makes you feel inspired, but so many “duh” and eye opening moments when she breaks down the whys of everyday battles!

“Britt captured the audience’s attention from the start! Our audience ranked her among the best speakers we’ve ever had and bringing her message to your people is a gift to them and their families. She quickly gained the trust of the attendees who gave her their undivided attention which is quite an accomplishment in front of an audience of realtors who we describe as having the attention span of a goldfish. Britt weaves her personal story into her presentation and gives solid tools that people can use immediately to get out of being stuck. She doesn’t sugarcoat the process or say it’s easy but instead, helps us understand what our brain is trying to tell us and how it is trying to protect us. Understanding that can help move away from shame and guilt into resolution and responsibility. In today’s anxiety riddled world where we all feel a little anxious and crazy from time to time, I can encourage any organization to engage Britt as a speaker. We feel that her keynote contributed to the mental health of our people at a time when mental health help is needed.”

“Participants from 95 different countries across the globe unanimously acclaimed Britt's presentation at Resiliency 2023 as a dynamic and empowering experience. They loved her "down-to-earth" strategies for change and her no-nonsense approach to breaking free from the limitations that hold us back from progress. She was voted "best new presenter" from the participants, cementing her reputation as a top-notch speaker at our event. She is a dynamo and a treasure!”

“Using her blend of science and real-world talk, Britt is able to cut through to each of us, leading us to reflect, heal and grow in our own journeys.”

“With everything that happened with the pandemic, our department was facing a lot of challenges with our staff. Primarily, stress levels and balancing the "new" normal with still holding people accountable for success. Britt's workshop really put a whole new perspective on the way we work with our people. You won't regret it!!"

“Britt was organized in her delivery; her content was interesting and fun. Britt’s topic is timely and important for women, businesspeople, and humans in general. I would recommend hiring her to speak!”

“Britt Frank is a professional who engages the audience with her knowledge, intellect, and heartfelt, warm delivery. She plants the seeds that can lead a person to changing their life. I applaud her contribution to the world. “