
Brent Gleeson

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Book Brent Gleeson

Brent Gleeson is a Navy SEAL combat veteran, award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author, and acclaimed speaker on topics ranging from leadership and building high-performance teams to culture, resilience, and organizational transformation. Upon leaving SEAL Team 5, Brent turned his discipline and battlefield lessons to the business world and has become an accomplished entrepreneur, best-selling author, and acclaimed speaker on topics ranging from leadership and building high-performance teams to culture and organizational transformation. You can learn more about his leadership philosophies in his weekly columns on and He is the bestselling author of TakingPoint: A Navy SEAL’s 10 Fail-Safe Principles for Leading Through Change, which was a #1 New Release in the categories of Organizational Change and Business Structural Adjustment.


Brent is the Founder and CEO of TakingPoint Leadership, a progressive leadership and management consulting firm with a focus on leadership development, business transformation, and building high-performance cultures. With degrees in finance and economics from Southern Methodist University, certificates in English and History from Oxford University in England, and a graduate business degree from the University of San Diego, Gleeson’s extensive experience is both academic and real-world. Gleeson has won awards for business leadership and was named one of the “Top 10 CEOs” in Entrepreneur Magazine’s October 2013 issue for his exemplary approach to building high-performance teams in business.

Brent Gleeson's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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Virtual In-Person
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I was lucky enough to be in the audience a couple weeks ago when you spoke at my company. I wanted to tell you how fantastic it was. At one point my heart was racing, hands were shaking and palms were sweating. I’ve never felt more motivated. Thank you!

In 25 years we have never had a more dynamic and captivating speaker, who certainly provided a message that resonated with all the first responders and hazardous materials technicians in the room

Almost three weeks since you spoke to us at the IMPACT Conference and I still have a fire in my belly! My performance has improved at work and I have defined my role in a way to lead and not micromanage. My own accountability is priority one. Thanks again!

Thank you Brent. Everyone couldn’t say enough how much they enjoyed your talk and candor! So much so that you held their attention better than any speaker they’ve seen. Our Customer Service lead was there and she already wants to have you speak to her team!

Fantastic presentation! You hit the messaging perfectly. It was both entertaining and prescriptive. We will definitely be inviting you back!

That was the best and most authentic presentation on values-based leadership and culture I’ve ever seen. So many speakers just tell stories, but you actually taught us how to improve!

It was the most memorable day ever. We can’t thank you enough!