
Brandon Steiner

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Book Brandon Steiner

In 2003, Brandon published his first book, The Business Playbook: Leadership Lessons from the World of Sports. It was supported by a national book tour, as a result of which Brandon was invited to be a guest lecturer at some of the top business schools in the country, including The Harvard Business School, The Kellogg School of Business, Columbia and Yale. Brandon had serendipitously became a national motivational speaker of note and was invited to speak to Fortune 500 companies across many industries.


In 2012, Wiley & Sons published Brandon’s second book, You Gotta Have Balls: How a Kid from Brooklyn Started from Scratch, Bought Yankee Stadium, and Created a Sports Empire, which chronicles his long career and the life and business lessons he learned therein.


Brandon has also become a media personality as a regular guest on 98.7 FM/ESPN-NY Radio and co-host of the YES Network’s “Yankees-Steiner: Memories of the Game” series.. He is frequently utilized as an expert commentator on sports and marketing on national news networks including CNBC, CNN, MSNBC and ESPN, and in newspapers including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He also made several appearances on the MLB TV Network while promoting the MLB Fan Cave.

Speaking Topics

Proven Sales Techniques & Value Proposition

How to differentiate yourself from your competitors by asking, “What else?”


Using anecdotal evidence from formative childhood experiences, all the way through his time developing his business and brand, Brandon will break down proven methods to up-sell, effectively close deals, and garner valuable business relationships. From establishing himself as the foremost paperboy in Brooklyn at the age of 10, to monetizing dirt, Brandon will share valuable business acumen acquired through a lifetime of dedication to sales and customer service. 


  • Stop selling and & start solving
  • Figure out what your customer truly needs
  • Your first idea is not always your best idea 
  • How to effectively & efficiently upsell 
  • Change perception by looking at what else you can do to build a stronger relationship & increase your value.

Networking On The Highest Level & Influencing The Influencers

Getting your foot in the door, retaining relationships, & getting the decision maker to say “YES!”


Communicating how to best acquire and maintain those career-defining professional relationships. Brandon will explain how he has signed some of the biggest names in sports throughout his career, and how he goes about preserving the integrity of those relationships. Understanding that it is not about curating friendship, it’s about establishing mutual respect. 


  • The fortune is in the follow-up
  • Understanding the bottom line of a negotiation
  • How to have the upper hand
  • Utilizing value propositions to establish mutually beneficial relationships 

Being The Underdog & Adapting To Change

How to stay current while maintaining a competitive edge


Brandon explains why he is never satisfied, and how this mindset can propel you into the professional stratosphere. Here Brandon will define the “underdog mindset” and how it can be one of the best tools at your disposal. Understanding that success can be a deterrent, and how to make sure success isn’t holding you back. Here he will also communicate how important it is to anticipate changes within your market, and how to properly adapt to a modern landscape that is constantly shifting.


  • Don’t let others' expectations define your capabilities 
  • Defining the spectator vs the underdog who’s always climbing
  • The underdog has everything to win whereas the winner has everything to lose
  • What will you do to maintain your success through change

Brandon Steiner's Experiences


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