
Ben Freakley

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Book Ben Freakley

Dr. Ben Freakley, CMPC is a leader in the field of applied sport and performance psychology with a career spanning over two decades. He is the founder and CEO of Ready, Set, Resilient, which provides sports and performance psychology services to individuals, teams, and organizations. 


Throughout his career, Dr. Freakley has held several significant positions. He served as the Head of Mental Performance for the Toronto Blue Jays, where he led the development and delivery of mental skills programs across all levels of the organization. He was also the inaugural head coach and general manager of Tormenta FC in the United Soccer League (USL). His expertise extends to tactical environments, having worked as the performance psychology coach with the 75th Ranger Regiment of the United States Army Special Operations Forces. 


Dr. Freakley holds a doctoral degree in Sport and Performance Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. He is also a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). His research focus areas include leadership preferences of NCAA Division One coaches and psychological frameworks that promote human flourishing.


Before his full-time work in sport and performance psychology, Ben spent over a decade as an NCAA College Soccer coach demonstrating his versatility and depth in coaching, psychology of performance, and team culture. 


In his private practice, Dr. Freakley works with executives and businesses, professional athletes and teams, and NCAA college athletics programs to help them evaluate and enhance their processes, performance, and well-being. 


Ben is a sought-after speaker on topics such as resilience, mental performance, motivation, leadership, and organizational culture.

Speaking Topics

Resilience & Well-Being

Our world is constantly changing and presenting us with new challenges, understanding how to build resilience and promote well-being is essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling personal and professional life. Resilience is both a process and an outcome. Like physical or technical skills, resilience skills can be developed. Dr. Freakley's talks on resilience explore practical steps and strategies we can take to enhance mental, emotional, and social resilience. This topic also explores what teams and organizations can do to make sure they are creating an environment that promotes resilience and well-being.

Leadership Development

What does it mean to be a leader worth following? In today's rapidly changing world, leadership is more important than ever, and developing interpersonal and intrapersonal skills can significantly impact both personal and organizational success. In this talk, Dr. Freakley explores topics such as transformational leadership, developing a leadership philosophy, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, feedback, and the positive consequences of great leadership. 

Team Dynamics and Culture

What's the difference between a group and a team? Does it matter? Team culture is the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape how a team interacts and works together. A positive culture can enhance motivation, engagement, and satisfaction. In this talk, Dr. Freakley will share best practices and stories that support how leaders can develop their people and their teams by understanding the success of any organization largely depends on how well its teams function and the culture that supports them.

High Performance (HP) Mindset

A high-performance mindset is a mental attitude that focuses on achieving excellence and reaching full potential. Maintaining perseverance, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of goals sounds appealing, but is it realistic? Dr. Freakley will share how cultivating an HP mindset is crucial as it drives individuals to overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and stay process loyal while maintaining attention to results. Strategies for cultivating a high-performance mindset will be discussed.


Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT)

It's time to form a new relationship with your thoughts and feelings. ACT is a powerful psychological intervention that combines acceptance and mindfulness strategies with commitment and behavior-change techniques to enhance psychological flexibility, also known as mindful valued living. In this talk, learn how to spend more time fully present and less time being bullied by thoughts and emotions. Audience members can expect to leave this talk with a deeper understanding of how to live a rich, full, and meaningful life while effectively handling the challenges and stress that inevitably come with it.

Communication 2.0.

Performance, Development, Change, Conflict...these are just a few of the things leaders must be experts at communicating. The way we communicate with those we lead has significant consequences on motivation. In this talk, Dr. Freakley will introduce Motivational Interviewing (MI) and corresponding communication skills that promote intrinsic motivation, reduce ambivalence, and encourage commitment to action. The relationship between leadership, innovation, engagement, and empathy will also be explored. 

Ben Freakley's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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"Ben is a remarkable person with an inspiring story who has a captivating presentation style. Knowing we had quite a broad mix of people in our session he took the time to create content that connected with the participants of our event. Building connections and similarities among the coaches, athletic directors, and retail managers in a conversation that was inclusive and beneficial for all in attendance. It was by far the most impactful 2 hours of leadership training I have ever been a part of."

Sal Sayeed, Team Program Account Manager , Lululemon

“Ben Freakley is a professional colleague I have the utmost respect for. More importantly, he is a friend, a peer, and an educator of great integrity and empathy. Ben’s diverse wealth of experience coupled with his formal qualifications and lifelong learning energy are very impressive. Identifying one quality, among many, that really resonates with me is Ben’s complete commitment and respect for his students and clients. He exemplifies the idea of “being present” and engaged in his work and with all those he interacts with. I can only enthusiastically recommend Ben as a practitioner and coach and am confident in his ability to inspire new ideas, change behaviors, and support both the individual and the team.”

Ian Barker, Director of Coaching Education

“Ben Freakley is one of the most creative mental performance coaches I've ever met. He has a knack for making sophisticated ideas simple, impactful, and relevant to his audience, whether that is an executive or an elite athlete. Dedicated, hard-working, and insightful he brings everything he has to everything he does.”

Dr. Steven C. Hayes, Author & Foundation Professor University of Nevada