
Andrea Guendelman

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Book Andrea Guendelman

Andrea Guendelman is a writer, speaker, and entrepreneur who specializes in Expansive Leadership—helping individuals and organizations unlock potential through openness. 


She is a leading force in creating platforms for minority professionals and the tech industry. Through her own experiences as a Harvard-trained corporate lawyer and an entrepreneur, she co-created Bevisiblelatinx, Wallbreakers, and most recently, Speak_ – a solution to connect talented computer science majors from universities across the country with companies hungry for talent and looking to build inclusive teams.


Through her deep and varied background, Andrea has come to embody an inspiring and unique kind of alchemy, fluidly transitioning between the worlds of business and spiritual growth. Her strength derives from the intersection of these forces and allows her to bring a unique energy and mindfulness forged with keen business acumen to her work, the speaking stage, and to those around her.  


Andrea has curated major conferences and festivals on social entrepreneurship, technology, and diversity, drawing hundreds or thousands of individuals, speakers, and performers ranging from Al Gore to Devendra Banhart.


Earlier in her career, Andrea worked as a finance lawyer at the international law firm of Debevoise and Plimpton and at the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Andrea earned law degrees from Harvard Law School and the University of Chile. She is in the Executive MBA program at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Andrea has received significant media exposure and is considered a thought leader in the topics of Latinx career building and creating diverse workforces.

Speaking Topics

Finding Purpose And Cultivating Spirituality: A User Guide For Engineers And Technologists

A background in engineering and computer science can help individuals solve massive and complex questions.  But what about the most important questions of all: What is my purpose?  How do I find fulfillment in my work and my life?  How do I stay centered and find peace and even joy amidst the turbulence of career and day-to-day crises? This talk or workshop aims to help engineers and technologists step out of immediate problem-solving mode to ask and find answers to these larger questions. It aims both to take participants out of their comfort zone but, at the same time, create a roadmap to find their purpose zone. The seminar will provide participants with tools to cultivate their spiritual side.

Moving The Needle On Diversity Hiring

Companies looking to turbocharge their diversity hiring don’t need to get more “soft focus” – they need to get more rigorous. By spending more time defining the skill sets they need and articulating how a diverse workforce helps them serve the needs of an increasingly global marketplace for customers, companies cannot only eliminate implicit bias. They can also make their hiring processes more efficient, saving valuable employee time, minimizing the talent that leaks out of their hiring pipeline, and maximizing their probability of recruiting and retaining candidates who can contribute to teams on day one.

What Do Social Movements And Startups Have In Common?

Leaders building a social movement and founders of startups face a common set of challenges. How can they sustain the initial burst of energy?  How do their ideas translate into institutions without losing either their values or their entrepreneurial spark?

Ethical Ai: Why Try To Eliminate Bias In AI When You Can Use AI To Eliminate Bias?

Historically, companies have tended to blame their lack of diversity on a lack of minorities and women in the talent pipeline. With the advent of AI-driven hiring processes, bias has crept into the filtering process, creating a huge disparity in the opportunities available to candidates - especially affecting candidates of diverse and underrepresented groups. Companies are now paying more attention and some are trying to address that problem. Apple recently pledged $100 million to President Obama's ConnectED initiative to bring cutting-edge technologies to economically disadvantaged schools. But a lack of resources, while troubling, is not the root cause of the lack of diversity in the pipeline. Janice Cuny, who directs the Computer Education program at the National Science Foundation, says African-American and Latinx computer science graduates are invisible to these companies - "There are these subtle biases that make you think that some person is not what you're looking for, even when they are." In this talk, Andrea dives deep into the problems with current AI and goes further with the solutions and ways tech employers can use smart tech to eliminate unconscious bias.

Andrea Guendelman's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

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“Andrea is the quintessential supporter and advocate for Latino/a millennials. She has built such an amazing platform, Be Visible, to connect Latinos / Latinas to their future through professional development and meaningful connections. I had the pleasure of having Andrea be a keynote at our annual Hera Venture Summit, where she inspired the audience to think big, make meaningful connections, and connect with diverse leaders making an impact on the global economy. It was a refreshing talk, honest, relatable, and genuine. I highly recommend Andrea for any speaking or keynote opportunities. She is a dynamic speaker and fabulous networker. I also interviewed Andrea on my She Invests! podcast where she gave wonderful advise on how to seek funding, tips to find and communicate your competitive advantage and how to find your tribe.”