Entrepreneur Adam Bremen was born with cerebral palsy and has been confined to a wheelchair for his entire life. Not satisfied with the status quo of using his handicap as an excuse for being overweight, Adam not only was able to lose over 65 lbs on a keto-based diet while being restricted to a wheelchair, but afterward he created a keto product from scratch. Adam's mindset of “It’s about what you can do, not what you can’t” was the catalyst for bringing the best-tasting snack bar to the market through CanDo, makers of Keto Krisp.
After leaving his home in Michigan to attend college, getting his master's at Arizona State, getting married, working at Charles Schwab, and traveling and participating in just about every activity, starting a company with just an idea didn’t seem that daunting.
Adam also focuses on many charities, one was an impetus 3 years ago in his healthy lifestyle. He was introduced to a wonderful organization, Life Rolls On, which helps people with disabilities surf! That same organization just honored Adam as their Athlete of the year!
Adam has persevered through incredible physical challenges, as well as heartbreak, to bring you one of the most inspirational stories you will ever hear. No obstacle ever seems too difficult for Adam to overcome and achieve.