My name is Aaron Jarrels, I’m a licensed therapist that helps people who are looking for help with something they are not happy with in their life. I help by changing people's minds in a way that allows them to see the world differently. I hold the perspective that we all have innate well-being and that we mess it up with our thinking. When you learn the nature of thought, you will discover the power it has in our lives to shape our reality. As a social psychology instructor, my insight into the psychological aspects of motivation, thought, and relationships make me respected, and my sense of humor and point of view keep me entertained. I will help you change your mind, giving you a new perspective. I have experience working with a wide range of cultures, beliefs, orientations, and biases and have helped them overcome or accept them. If you are not where you want to be in life, you simply need some clarity. Invest in your future self and ask me how I see your situation.